Hey sweetie little boy. You may not be a lawyer, a judge, a policeman, a fireman, an IT specialist, a trader, a tractor driver, a teacher. Because you can be anything you want. The future depends on you. You are loved, obviously. Your father is so much proud of you. He will not allow someone to get you hurt. However, in this world, shits happen. No kidding honey. You'll encounter fears, disppointments, pains, etc. But you know what? There's a beauty in it. You'll learn. Learning makes us strong and helps fulfill our dreams . Dont get stuck. Others may drag and drag you down but that's only mean, you are a way up higher than them. Let them know that we are stronger than them.
Remember: No one would intend to stone a mango tree if it doesn't have fruits. Be fruitful and productive. The world is a beautiful place to live when you smile.
Live to Love! Love to Live!
Do No Harm!
Thank you π for your comment.
Thank you for your kind words.
I will try to show him life and love.