Thank you for continuing this challenge @danielsaori! Here's my comment:
What a wonderful start to this challenge; I just have one more post to go to complete mine, although I'm sure like you, focusing on what's positive in my life is a daily thing.
What a sweet family you have; your daughter's smile is a beautiful mix of both you and your young husband haha, and of course having the new baby in the mix just makes it all that much more perfect. I love how real this post is, that yours wasn't love at first sight, but it's that solid realness that makes it so great. It's exactly how I feel about the love of my life too!! Brian loves the letters I write to him here, which makes me wonder if you should show your love letter (at the end of your post) to your husband as well...I'm sure he'll love you even more for it!
Thanks for a heart-warming start to the #7daypositivitychallenge!
Thank you Lynn for a lovely comment with a personal touch.
Congrats Lynn for securing this week's Number 1 spot!!
Well done and I wish you a nice weekend.
Thank you Daniel!! I'm just going through ginabot now and will comment on your winner's post as well :)