Interesting. I am learning a couple of things a long the way. This is my first challenge on steemit. It is giving me quite a headache..hehe
- It was quite obvious the morse code on the picture giving coordinates. Thanks to @steem.engine we have arrived at the correct co-ordinates.,8.542187,18z
Got the password to the paste bin [limmatschiff] and arrived at this video by googling AHukwv_VX9A.
Nice - The coordinates had me stumped all day.
@timsaid is this it? Are we done with #17 + 1 (hiding in plain sight)?
a hook wv (golf) vx9a some serial shit :D:D:D @timsaid any closer?
You were not on your own. I spoted the 17+1 but I did not know exactly how to apply it. @steem.engine was the shining light on this one. He deserves the credit.