Prepare - Uncover - Outwit - Find - WIN!
Welcome to the Steemit Crypto Challenge. You may know this series of puzzles, or not. Let me give you a quick introduction. You are looking to find a solution. Anything can be a hint. You will start with two hints given and need to seek the right path. You think you are good with riddles? Are you a big master of puzzles? Find the answer. Sometimes the hints are hidden, not visible to the eye. But they are here.
Can you follow your intuition and stay on the right track? The first to reveal a hint will win a prize. The first to attain understanding with the right answer will receive their bigger reward.

Decrypt it at https://encipher.it
Rules, Terms and Conditions
You will need to employ all of your skills to solve this crypto-puzzle. This isn't for the weak-hearted.
Don't limit your creativity, look forward and look closer!
Take advantage of:
You will receive hints from time to time
Stay frosty and don't get lost
Don't be limited to the list above, get creative! Think you got in the bag? How hard could it be? Surely, your Code Solvers and Image Manipulation Translators are up to date, piece of cake! All submissions are due by August, 31th@ 6pm (UTC) The First Prize reward is 50 Steem. Additional: 10 Steem per new hint uncovered. (This challenge is not impossible, I even made it quite simple this time). Special thanks goes to @blocktrades who sponsors this challenge. Share this challenge on other platforms to get support.
Happy hunting, Tim Said
what is eoyrpf vrove ?
Wrong word
what is the correct one so ?
eolrpf vrove
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Trusted 2014 - 2017
give me some instruction
@timsaid I find right answer of this crypto challenge https://ibb.co/muKDNQ
Now for FREE Author ATS tokens - Get 75 ATS tokens for FREE everyone that joins.
BTW .... How can do it using an Android mobile?
click3rs yo pienso que tu has acertado ! si si Flowerpower
Gracias senhor
i upvoted you.
Uhmmm upvotes and none reply?
The first hint was cripted too?
If anyone wants to try these combinations:

most people didn't include numbers...
I could even believe that there might be an ! or even an i inbetween.
Good luck!
No numbers. Strings
In case someone can help, I think the first clue is 3 words,
1-word Sign Language
2-the image
3-word Sign Language
And these words are the password to decrypt the hint number 2
I think the words of sign language I have correct, but lack the word of the image that can be:
No matter how strength is the challenge, it gonna be solved by steemians
I love this gif
me too! haha
I hope so... Can't figure it out.
We will strongth
That the best man wins. Good form of promotion
true that!
Nice, I've been hoping you'd post one soon. Good luck everyone!
Good luck!
im having a hard time on the sign language hands - seems to be multiple meanings for some - but none i tried work yet
This is one hell of a challenge, i hope to win it.
I wish you all the luck
Thank you.
omg... you don't call it "crypto" for nothin' !

I might have to sit this one out (-:
Ahah good one, i'm in the same feeling now :)
I'm sure with combined strength you can do it!
... I'm not so sure for mi.. the picture give the password to decrypt the second hint ? I tried to solve the sign language, can't recognise all, it give me 'eolrnf vrove' :) Then try to reverse the picture, maybe numbers name of this one on other websites can be the password, but to many website use it with names different. Then tried to horizontaly reverse, pivote... Don't see anything neither... Can't understand at what correspond the MD5 key.. Bah I think I'm not the man of the situation :)
Using your head 50%? Care, you do not want to be invisible or microscopic or even just a theory. I like your gif.
haha brilliant
The password to decrypt the message is inside of a file. That file has the MD5 checksum listed here.
To found that file we have to search the image of the first hint in reverse search image and look the related files!!
I think that I do not know how make this kind of search. Any advise?
Google image search :)
I tried typing over the binary in the header image but so far I'm not getting any results out of it. Maybe I made some typing errors. Anyone else got anywhere with it?
Sign language clue is the password. The second hint is the encrypted text. The password should be crackable: EOLRP96RO6E/E0LRP96R06E/EOLRP96R06E/E0LRP96RO6E etc.
I think that I found the solution.

The picture that @howtostartablog discovered is encrypted with the Bacon's cipher, after decryption you come up with the word SteemFest which is the answer for the defuse link. In there is a link for a website with the following image
After translating the letters on that image you come up with the word "laser" which I believe is the answer =D @timsaid
What about the hint of MD5... I think that this must coincide with the checksum of the final response
I can not figure out what is the language of the letters... how do you get "laser"
I cut the first letter and reversed searched in Google. Then I came up with the language. Actually is a language from a game, Legends of Zelda
Congrats man!
But the binary in the background!!!!
Use small letter case "flowerpower" and decipher it.
It led me to a link to download a purported mp3 file.
It couldn't open but luckily it happened to be an image.
Lolzz same here
And the answer is ABBA the group from the Flower Power era :)
ABBA had a song called Flower Power
Getting close. Now need to figure out what A and B means....
Thanks for organizing!
Thanks for being here
@sanevys Followed you Hope you'll do the same !
The only real challenge here is:
How do i create a challenge-post with a 50 Steem giveaway and earn $ 531.67 with it?
Riddle me this! ;)
Bitcoin node
You are very clever, according to me , hand signs indicates - E O L R P W V R O V E ...and then you send us to a site where we need to download a aap for decrypt your code ......you bloody smart ass 😂😂😂😋🤘🖕 ........ According to me you only want upvote and comment , you have no intention to give any steem lolololil 👍

@apvlog https://steemit.com/challenge/@apvlog/41-no-one-can-break-this-code-or-challenge-or
Try this 🖕
Check out the last challenges. There was always a winner and I always sent the prizes.
OmyG...you take me seriously .....i just kidding bro. I don't know the answer that's why i just joking around .

This is perfect
Not a V. It is a W
It looks like answer is "Proof of Work".
Amazing introduction and thanks for information. Dont forget upvote my post @abib 😊
wow nice post
If you vote me, you will not be able to leave anybody with you, you will vote as you go ahead but we will give support to each other
Nice post, very beneficial for us, follow me @ryzal.valendzo and will follow back. Thank you
I hope many steemian see about this challenge
Thank for share @timsaid
Nice post bro keep it up 😍
hey thanks for this valuable post, i will keep this in my mind. In future if i need some help from you please guide me your experience in this field.
We are very lucky in fact with steemit, lets hope and work for it to stay around for ever and ever. LOVE TO ALL
Too hard for me >:/
thanks for the entry !
Upvoted and followed..
A challenge that's worth a try, no matter how hard it is I do not know if I do not try, maybe my answer wrong or right is not the main thing, but this is indeed the power of my mind to see the truth. Thank you.
Good @timsaid
The sign language spells EOLRPF VROVE
Very nice post dear friend :)
good sir @timsaid
Very nice post of crypto Very nice post great work thanks for sharing
Do we need to give the answer here ? My answer is virus email
Looking at the last few challenges, the answer is going to be a bit more complicated than that ;)
Ah ok, This is the first time I try. I'll keep on trying ;)
Wow very nice post I like it bro
The answer is 42....to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything
close enough
I think I'll have to microdose first... :)
Really hard... Tried many things but can't resolve... Thanks for the head breaking ;)
Crypocurrency is future :)
so good !!
I know the solution, but will stay fair and let someone else win the price :P :)
jajaja gracias por la generosidad! mi cerebro esta con los cables cruzados tratando de resolver esto!
^^ Hahaha thanks for the generosity! My brain is wired trying to figure this out! ^^
Is it maybe something with Dtube ? I'm new to the challenge...is solution always one word or phrase?
Good luck everyone! I will be sitting this one out personally heheh