Prepare - Uncover - Outwit - Find - WIN!

welcome to the sixth steemit cryPto chAllnge.d So you Think you'rE good with riddles?v are you a BIg master of crypto7-2puzzles? fiNd the answer.N the correct solution.C there are hints everywhere,C sometimes you need to dig in the past and come back.F
Can you follow your intuition and stay on the right track? The first to reveal a hint will win a prize. The first to attain understanding with the right answer will receive their bigger reward.

Rules, Terms and Conditions
Don't limit your creativity, look forward and look back!
Take advantage of:
- Image (and reverse) searches
- Steemit
- Wikis or Encyclopedias
- Filesharing Sites
- Sound, video, and image recording manipulation
You will receive hints from time to time.
Stay frosty
Don't be limited to the list above, get creative! Think you got in the bag? How hard could it be? Surely, your Code Solvers and Image Manipulation Translators are up to date, piece of cake! All submissions are due by Saturday November, 1st @ 6pm (UTC -4) The First Prize reward is 200 Steem. Additional: 10SBD per new hint uncovered. (This challenge is not impossible, but you'll feel like it is). Special thanks goes to @blocktrades who sponsors this challenge.
P.s.: Did you hear about the SteemFest 1Steemit Crypto Challenge: Amsterdam Madness. Those who will visit the SteemFest will have the chance to participate in the extra edition of the Crypto Challenge and win 1000 Steem Power. We will hide hints and quests around the Steem Fest and will announce the winner on Sunday, the 13th of November live. A detailed challenge description will follow in the coming weeks. in Amsterdam in November this year? @roelandp is hosting this first of its kind event and I recommend you to come to be part of this groundbreaking experience. I am happy to announce that @prufarchy and I are working on the
Teamwork is what Steemit is all about, don't be afraid to work together. I recommend you to use the chat. There is a channel where you can discuss the challenge: steemitcryptochallenge
Happy hunting,
Tim Said
ROT21 yields the following link to a rar file with image.,13500665/wrongway.rar/
Now, if we really should use SilentEye again, I can't do that because it keeps crashing on my Mac ;)
So go for it :-)
Keep it going!
Maybe festival of Artemis? (
It is really can be a match, but I am unsure, because the 1st hint suggests it's medieval.
Ok, could use another computer and get the message with SilentEye:
In the comment section there is another link containing a pgp encrypted file here:
I just want to post a quick update:
so 5th word is choices, 13th is are, 15th is scattered, 41th is but, 64th is small.
The PGP had the password: choices are scattered but smallyou should use the post for the password ( with the numbers:
You are almost there. We will meet soon.
These are runes, if you decode it you get this:
welcome. you came far but out of our world
I have a story to tell my friend
he loves her. she doesnt know him.
they will meet at the big ceremony
what fest am i talking about?
My answer was Valentine's Day, which is not correct. :)
Awesome :-) - My guess would be Steemfest ;)
Edit: The picture shows Reykjavík. So could also be the Reykjavík Pride Festival/March :-)
The description leads you to this.
You were 1 minute faster! :)
If you use ROT15, you find this: Close enough. You need to proof that you are the true crypto master. czu.ns/iq,13500665/bwtslbfd.wfw
Ya its was reverse caesar with an 11+ shift xD
You should dig further
Oh great that I've found and followed you just in time for the challenge. Resteemed.
Thanks for resteeming!
excellent, I am a faithful follower of his work, inspiring a true example to follow congratulations
Kind words, thank you very much
I am new to all this but I appreciate the ideals...... resteemed and upvoted for you. Have a good week!!
You too!
Obviously an avatar eye, but what is in it?
Good question :)
There is a mute sign. Like this:

So we need to use SilentEye, but first other hints need to be decoded.
The sword, battle axe, and red shield are all a clip art piece.
As spiz0r said: If you use ROT15, you find this: Close enough. You need to proof that you are the true crypto master. czu.ns/iq,13500665/bwtslbfd.wfw
-> czu.ns/iq,13500665/bwtslbfd.wfw is another ROT cipher.NEW HINT:
Good luck
stealth attack