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RE: PROPOSAL - How to DEFINE and FIGHT the BAD - Create a COMMITTEE with STRONG ARM to Support Creation of a GREAT STEEMIT CULTURE

in #steemitculture8 years ago

I agree with @ats-david. But the fear i see is that the profit will grow one sided and majority will not see the profit and then be discouraged. spammers will not care the flow of this because to them it is only business and not creativity or content


Some things that were changed shall be rolled back, other things not IMHO, eg the linear reward curve, maybe linear is not the best curve, but the square root we had before was too much in favour of the big SP holders...then again, if we still had the previous reward curve, this post would have been in Trending channel by now :)

Different mechanisms are required for all abuse that are not possible to implement by technology IMHO. That is where the community voting, committee etc comes in.

we need to first weigh the options of abuse this can cause when the social aspect of the system is tampered with;
i also think that there can be rules that will minimise adverse behaviours to the growth of the platform

Yes, for sure, when changing things, this shall be done on analyses. Most to all of the changes HF19 brought to the community can be compared to what we had before, and I do agree with ats-david that some of the changes created a whole lot more posts that can be considered as spam. And it is quite easy to point out what those changes were: no limit on number of posts / user / day and increase of vote power at 100% of factor of 4. I have no idea why these changes are good; I think they are bad and shall be rolled back immediately.

Some things that were changed shall be rolled back, other things not IMHO, eg the linear reward curve...

There seems to be a lot of this going around - people stating that they don't want to go back to the n2 algorithm.

Neither do I.

But there are algorithms other than either n2 or n. In any case, full linear isn't the solution to exponential. I don't like either one, but not wanting to roll back the hard fork because "n2 is bad!" misses the bigger picture:

It is breaking the social aspect of the system and it allows for greater abuses.

Rolling back HF19 or not is for me a technical thing. If it is better to roll back to HF18 and immediately change the square root curve into something less square root and more than linear, I'm fine with that.

i agree with this...but sometimes, it is difficult allowing everything the play out the way we hope it can be better. there must be a stand