Quick Tab for #introduceyourself #introduction post(s) on User Pages?

in #steemitdev8 years ago (edited)

I Dig Your Content.  But Not Enough To Dig Through It.

I often decide whether or not to follow an account based off of the content quality (and my personal interest in subject matter, of course) of their latest 10 posts.  I typically don't bother trying to find their introduction post because--to my limited knowledge--it isn't as handy as selecting an "About" tab at the top of their page.  

Is this something that other members of the community would like to see as well?  I just wanted to put it out into the Ether and see what came back.  To include someone informing me that I am supremely ignorant and that this already exists.  

Update - 08/05/2017

Realized a simple solution was just to add my own "About Author" link to the bottom of my posts. 


About DodecaHydra

Image Source: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/74/6a/e5/746ae5143cd1a45d80082adcb8ea66c4.jpg

Page Break by altocello via DeviantArt.com


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