I'm currently getting my daughter ready to go into kindergarten. She didn't attend preschool, I teach her at home, and I've been searching guidelines and suggestions and this right here is the most comprehensive thing I've seen.
Thank you for not just listing things off and actually explaining them, very helpful. I think she's got a good handle on most of it, your article made me feel a bit more confident. Maybe not so much with patterns and rhyming, but we've started a game where she shouts a word and I list off rhyming words. I think she's starting to get that similar and rhyme aren't the same thing.
I'm glad it gave you some confidence. Totally love your rhyming game, too! The most important thing about teaching the wee ones is making it fun through play! For patterns in my classroom, my builders usually prefer pattern practices with lego blocks, but my more creative folks create patters with paper pieces and glue on a paper strip.
I like the paper strips idea, have her cut them out herself get some scissor skills in there and make it into a whole craft (she prefers arts and crafts over everything so I try to hook her with the craft first so she's nice and interested then hit her with concept)
Here's a fun photo...I spelled her name on the strips and mixed them up. She was able to recognize her name, so then she realized it was red & white, too, when she got to TWO letter n's. She didn't want to put that last "A" in the right spot, though, so I let that go. I was happy she noticed the pattern. Most definitely cut the strips, too!
^.^ I'll do this!