How to grow with little or no Steem Power after HF21

in #steemiteducation5 years ago

How to grow with little or no Steem Power after HF21.png

The negative effects on small accounts

The changes that came with Hard Fork 21 made life of accounts with little or no steem power much more difficult.

Smaller author rewards

There are several effects that lower the income of authors, especially small ones. Because of the reward curve small upvotes are less valuable and a post needs a lot of value to get to the same payout when compared to how it was before the hard fork. In addition to that the new split between curation rewards and author rewards reduce the income by a big margin.

Little income from commenting

A good strategy for small accounts prior to the hard fork was to comment a lot and get upvotes of more powerful people. Again because of the reward curve, these upvotes have much less value and it discourages people to give them.

No curation rewards for small accounts

Even with the 50/50 split between curation and author rewards, this doesn't profit the curation rewards of small accounts. When you have less than 100 Steem Power, you won't even see any curation rewards because they are lower than 0.001 Steem.

Fear of downvotes

Let's say you once manage to write a quality post. Now the curators of bid bot accounts discover your post and upvote it quite interestingly. People see this post and they only see that a bid bot gave it value. So they believe that you bought the upvote. You then run the risk to get downvoted. Quite the nightmare...

So is all hope lost for the small fishes to grow on steem?

No there is hope: A blueprint how small accounts can grow on steem in spite of HF 21

Steem is much more than just Steem

It may be difficult to grow in steem power but there are ways to grow in spite of HF 21. The solution is an indirect path through steem-engine tribes.

According to there are more than 40 steem-engine tribes at the moment. These tribes have a lot of potential for small accounts. First of all, most of these tribes are small. This means that the already distributed stake is limited and there are also a limited number of authors that write in these tribes. The people who hold stake in these tribes need content to upvote, to grow their stake. The tribes are a much smaller ecosystem than steem and it is easier to connect with like minded people. In addition in these tribes the distribution and the reward curve is often different than with steem. Upvotes can even have more value than in steem.

1) Choose your tribes

Unfortunately a lot of authors write posts with many tags of tribes because they believe that they will earn manifold from a single post. Don't do that! Choose only one or two tribes that you want to grow in. These tribes should center around your own interests. What do you write about? Find the tribe where this content is looked for.

2) Analyze the tribes that you have chosen

Before you become an author in these tribes, you should find out who are the influencers in these tribes and who holds the stakes. You can do this over Check out who owns big stakes in this community. ¨

scot today 1.png

source: - example: the stakeholders of the Lifestyle community

Check out these accounts on the condenser of the tribe. Watch how often they post, how they react to comments, do they give upvotes? What you need is powerful people who have stake, who write posts and even better who interact with the comments to their posts. Follow the accounts that fulfill this profile and comment their posts regularly. Try to follow 10 to 20 accounts.

3) Become a well know figure in your tribe and start posting

If you give quality comments and you uvpote regularly the posts of others, you will soon become a well know person in this community. Only then write your first posts. Make sure that they are about the subject of the tribe. Research your posts well and make sure to respect a minimal quality standard: Link to the sources of the images that you use, use titles, subtitles, quotes and make it look nice. Most important of all, don't forget to use the tag of your tribe!

Since you will be well known already, your post will attract upvotes and comments. Be ready to answer all comments and to upvote them. This will strengthen your position further. Don't post too often. Quality goes over quantity.

4) Power up your tribe tokens

The big error that people make is to cash the coins they earn out immediately. Stake all the coins that you get to become more powerful. This will allow you to strengthen your role in the tribe and you might soon become an influencer of this tribe even without steem power!

5) Grow in steem without realizing it

With your posts you will earn the token of your tribe but each of the upvotes that you get is also linked to steem and little by little some income in steem will trickle in.

6) Use the tokens to buy steem

Once you have a certain stake in your tribe token you can start to use a percentage of your income in these tokens and sell them for steem. Use this steem to power up your steem account. This will allow you to avoid being limited with RC and also your posts will pay out more and your curation rewards in steem will slowly become visible and increase.

It's not an easy path but probably one of the most promising for somebody with a small account

To be successful on steem you need time, dedication and patience. However the most important ingredients are the other users on steem. Building relationships should always be your first priority.

My projects:
@help.venezuela : a program that supports steem users from Venezuela.

HVOTE : A token that is underlined with a real steem account. With the sales of tokens, the Steem Power of the account is increased. The votes are sold on smartsteem and together with curation rewards, the account produces real economical value. Big token holders get upvotes from the account.

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Dear @Achim03,

Just want to thank You for adding a great piece of information to the STEEM blockchain, specially because it is directed to new users and small account users on steemit. It's good to see someone helping out newcomers, since I don't really have what it takes to do it (maybe I do just don't know about it yet..), and is something I feel there is a lack of in this and other platforms, "newb" help, we all need it once in a while =Þ..

Many might not know how to deal with all the changes that have been happening, since the latest HF being even more difficult to grow accounts, this becomes very useful information!

Ohh, and for, a tool that I gladly added to my "collection", much appreciated. Post upvoated & resteemed, keep them coming..

Without anything to add for now, wish You all the best, please do continue to write such good pieces, and have a great day ;)

In Lak'ech,

Hi @cyberspacegod,
Thanks a lot for your kind comment. I think that steem was already difficult to grasp before the hard fork and now the complexity is even higher, especially for newbies.

Thanks a lot for the upvote and the resteem!

Best regards,

Congratulations my friend @achim03

This is such an incredible explanation and advice, it is true that it is not just for newcomers..

This is extremely for all of us and totally agree with you in all your explanation.

Thanks a lot for sharing this value content and trying to help others in the community for the newsteem..!!

Have a great day.


Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @edgarare1,
Thanks a lot for your kind comment!

Best regards,

This is pretty much, the best thing I've read all day!

Fantastic advice and an easy to follow plan for every Steemian, no matter how big their account is!

Thank you very much for the kind comment. I believe that it is much easier to create relationships in a smaller community that share same interests and also a same token.

I really like the ctptalk community because I often encounter the same people and little by little I begin to know them. Even if the community is still young there are already some relationships that are building. In addition you are doing an amazing job curating all the interesting content and providing value for the tribe.

Very good advice @achim03.

Research your posts well and make sure to respect a minimal quality standard: Link to the sources of the images that you use, use titles, subtitles, quotes and make it look nice.

There is a misconception that linking to the source of the images automatically saves you from copyright infringement. This is not so.

Unless an image is in public domain or you have a right to fair use, you have to assume that the image is copyright protected. For such copyright protected images, if the terms of the copyright says you can use the image but must provide a link to the source, then you provide a link to the source to comply with the terms of the copyright.

Some copyright owners may place their images in 'public domain' and ask for a mandatory link or an optional link.

I have seen so many people providing link to the source of fully copyrighted images in the belief that they are protected by doing so. Most of the time the copyright owners do not initiate an action either because they are not aware of the infringement or because they are not bothered to initiate action against every Tom, Dick and Harry. But you will never know when they might do so.

Hi @devann,
Thanks a lot for your comment. You are totally right to point this out. People often don't realise that in order to use pictures, we have to have the according license rights. It's possible to get free images from websites like and as you said sometimes a link to the source is required. But even if it is not requested by the license, I think it's good practise to give the source. The same goes for screen captures.

Best regards,

Thx for sharing. Never heard about Will check it out right away

Seriously great comment @devann

Hello dear @achim03, thank you poor share this great post.

We are waking up to the consequences of HF21, and the results are discouraging not only for those accounts that start but for those who have some time struggling to grow and who have received some support, however, we should not lower our guard and you bring us Great tips on what we should do.

Particularly I am working on the promotion of steemit in my community, trying to help some people find additional income on this platform (everyone already knows the situation in Venezuela), I am working on the induction of people who will soon make their first publication on steemit but this complicates my work much more, however, we keep moving forward trying to find a way for these people to have a little traumatic start on the platform.

It's not an easy path but probably one of the most promising for somebody with a small account
To be successful on steem you need time, dedication and patience. However the most important ingredients are the other users on steem. Building relationships should always be your first priority.

Is not easy! and I think it becomes increasingly difficult, the tribes are a great option and it is the path that most are taking to keep publishing.

Why do they make it more complicated?

I don't know, maybe the purpose is to close or convert steemit into elite territory, that is my opinion but I have nothing sure, of what I am sure is that in steemit I found a "way out" that helps me mitigate the crisis and I'm determined to keep fighting.

Thanks friend, it's always a pleasure to read your work.

Hi my friend,

Particularly I am working on the promotion of steemit in my community, trying to help some people find additional income on this platform (everyone already knows the situation in Venezuela), I am working on the induction of people who will soon make their first publication on steemit but this complicates my work much more, however, we keep moving forward trying to find a way for these people to have a little traumatic start on the platform.

I think it's a great effort to help people to get to this platform. On steem we can cooperate and create value together. So the more people there are, the better. I hope that the early "hickups" of HF 21 won't discourage them. You are fighting a good fight and I wish you a lot of courage in your endavour. I hope that we can bring some more help to Venezuelans in the future.

Amazing summary @achim03

I really wonder which way will users behaviour change after recent forks.

great advantage of being present on tribes is the fact, that even if our post is being downvoted on steeemit, it doesn't affect our rewards or visibility on any of those tribes.

ps. in point 6 you're kind of encouraging people to create selling pressure on tribes tokens :) lol :)

Thanks for such a good read buddy!
Cheers, Piotr

Thanks for your comment my friend.

ps. in point 6 you're kind of encouraging people to create selling pressure on tribes tokens :) lol :)

I believe that in the long term the tribe tokens have to provide an external value otherwise the only usage is to exchange it on the market. So I think that the tribes should be aware of that and should be prepared to have some use cases where the token can be used or to find a way to create a demand on the market. Otherwise the tokens are not worth much...

It's a time to make good decisions. This material is a great help in doing so.

Thanks a lot for your comment!

That is really great advice @achim03, earning enough Steem to get to a sufficient SP level for RC is important for newcomers, have an awesome day.

Thanks a lot for the comment @flaxz. A nice day to you too!

Great advice. Thanks.

Thanks a lot for stopping by and your comment!

  • it was helpful - conveniently

Thank you very much for your comment!

Brilliant! Thank you for writing this. I knew, even before the HF mess I wasn't going to earn much steem as a newbie. But, that's ok. I am very active in my tribe and get rewarded rather well there. I'm one of those stake holders that is always looking for good content to upvote.

Hi @athomewithcraig,
Thanks a lot for your nice comment. I think it's much better to concentrate on your tribe and also the rewards are much more interesting.

This is a refreshing idea! Focus on gaining popularity in selected tribes and eventually work your SP up. Thanks for sharing!

I believe that it's much easier to gain popularity within a smaller community. The tribes token links the people together and they need each other for content and curation.

Thanks for your comment!

doing this will also cut down on the garbage posts that clutter steem right now

I've just read a post by the @therealwolf who is curating manually post on behalf of smartsteem and he writes that it is quite difficult to find quality posts at the moment. A lot of people believe that it is enough to just put down a couple of words and then earn big rewards. I think that people should concentrate on writing quality stuff in the first place whether on steem or on the tribes. Thanks a lot for your comment!

I refuse to write garbage haha

Thank you so much for this great post! Been doing some of what you said, apart from staking the tokens which will do for now on. But it's for me and probably for some a good reminder for everyday :)

Thank you very much for your comment. Steem was distributed some years ago and the first on steem are the ones that own most now. With the tribes it is different. They are new and they allow everybody to gain importance with dedicated work. Staking is absolutely a must because otherwise you won't manage to grow the account. The stake itself will work for you. The bigger your stake, the quicker you will grow.

Yeah I get it now...I was just staking CTP Tokens but now I'm getting other tokens so better stake them for now too so I can grow!

Very interesting, but I am not convinced that the tribe tokens will maintain their value compared to Steem. I would expect Steem to suck value out of the tribe tokens, as BTC is doing with most altcoins.
Do you expect otherwise, and if so why?

Thank you very much for your comment. I agree with you that the value of the tribe tokens is the big unknown in this strategy. I believe that the development of the value of the token is linked to the settings and the sinks of the tokens.

Let's take palnet as an example, it's possible to get an upvote by @minnowsupport using palcoin tokens. This means that the token is backed by the value of this upvote. Another example is the Ctp token that I'm using a lot. The community comes from outside the steem world and there will be soon a IPN that will allow to accept this token as a means of paiment on websites all over the net. So it might become possible to purchase services or products with such a token. This might be very interesting in the long term.

So if a tribe manages to link its token to fiat or btc, I believe it would be possible to develop better in value than steem.

Sounds interesting. Let's see what the tribes will offer the users.

TY for the site. First I hear of it. So much is changing so quickly :)

Thanks a lot for your comment. It's a nice tool. You are right, it's a big challenge to keep up to date with all these changes ;-)

Excellent summary @achim! Thanks for sharing your discoveries. #ctp

Hi thank you for your visit and your comment!

Howdy dear friend @achim03.

I totally agree with your approaches.
The new tribes are a great opportunity to grow on steemit, especially for newbies.

These enterprising people who make up the tribes are willing to make positive vows and reward with native tokens. Some of these tribes, despite being new, already have good rates in the steem-engine market. So winning these tokens and then getting steem is a totally possible and real alternative.

Thanks for the link to, I think it is a valuable tool.

Thanks for sharing.

Your friend, Juan.

Hi @juanmolina,
Thank you very much for stopping by and your kind comment.
Best regards,

Good Luck my friend.

A very encouraging and uplifting post. Thank you achim03

Thanks for your comment!

That makes a lot of sense. The sooner people realize this the better off they will be in the long run.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks a lot for your comment!

~Smartsteem Curation Team

A typical example of what I described above:

  • smartsteem discovered this post and curated it (I didn't pay anything for their vote).
  • oracle-d downvotes the post because there is a smartsteem upvote....

A wonderful world...

And this thing is pissing me off... We got messages from big guys about more MANUAL curating from bigger accounts in the future after the HF... and the first thing that we got is AUTOMATIC DOWNVOTES as punishment for receiving "big" upvote... C'mon guys... You can do better than that...

We've already contacted @oracle-d and are awaiting a response. This shouldn't have happened in the first place, especially considering that seemingly only we are being targeted. Regardless of that, you've written a great piece of post.

Thanks a lot for your comment and for your upvote!

We will get back to you on this. We have never downvoted before and I m not sure what happened here. I think a fat finger mistake or something.

We would very much appreciate that. Thank you.