I know this post is very well meant, and I appreciate that spirit, but children will not necessarily become who their parents are. Parents have an overwhelming influence, and bad parenting is a terrible burden for a child, but it can be overcome.
Teachers, religious leaders, friends, family, neighbors may sometimes offer to children possibilities that the home does not.
If the parents don't measure up, if teachers are not materially rewarded for the effort they put in, they should still never lose sight of the fact that they may be the one positive influence in a child's life. That's a powerful thing.
Yes I couldn't agree more than that! I just couldn't accept those kind of parents with the mindset I pay then I don't want to bother anymore on anythg about kids education and character building. Tutors can't do all roles for just few hours per month. Even yes, how much parents are willing to pay for the time and effort tutors put in, provided they are wholeheartedly.