Who took my tooth? Traditions that give smiles!

Who took my tooth?


As children, we all get the surprise of seeing our tooth disappear from under the pillow and find there a great surprise. But the question could not be missed, who did it? Currently there are two beautiful versions, some speak of the famous Mouse Perez and others of the Tooth Fairy. More than by traditions of places where the event occurs, I think that children prefer the mouse and girls to the tooth fairy

Let's see some curiosities of this beautiful legend, Ratoncito or Fairy?

• For the Spanish and Hispanic American children who picks up the teeth is the Mouse Pérez.
• In North America and the German countries, the one in charge of taking them is the Tooth Fairy.
• In Mexico, Peru and Chile they call it the Tooth Mouse. While, in Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, Uruguay and Colombia is the Perez Mouse.
• In France it is the "Ratoncito" (la petite souris)
• In Italy it is known as "Topolino", "Topino" (Ratoncito) or "Fatina" (Hadita)
• In the German countries is the "Tooth Fairy".
• In German it is said "Zahnfee" (Zahn = tooth, Fee = fairy).

In reality, children do not care much about calling it one way or another, the illusion of that great day, do not forget it, be it the fairy or the mouse. Knowing that you will be rewarded and you will get some gift alleviates your pain.

Story of Raton Perez


Pepito Pérez was a little city mouse. He lived with his family in a hole in the wall of a building. The hole was not very big but it was very comfortable, and there was no lack of food. They lived next to a bakery, at night he and his father were going to get flour and everything they found to eat.

One day Pepito heard a great uproar on the floor above. And like a curious mouse that climbed and climbed the pipes until it reached the first floor. There he saw a lot of devices, armchairs, flowers, paintings ... it seemed that someone was going to settle there. The next day Pepito went back up to see what it was all about, and discovered something that he liked very much. On the floor above, they had set up a dental clinic.

From then on every day I would go up to look at everything that Doctor José María did. He watched and learned, looked back and pointed as much as he could in a small cardboard notepad.
After he was practicing with his family what he knew. His mother cleaned his teeth very well, his sister cured a toothache with a little medicine ... And that's how the tooth fairy got famous. Mice came from everywhere to be healed. Field mice with a bag full of food for him, city mice with hat and cane, small mice, big, fat, skinny ... They all wanted the tooth fairy to fix their mouths.

But then old mice began to come with a bigger problem. They had no teeth and wanted to eat nougat, nuts, almonds, and everything they could not eat since they were young. The Tooth Fairy thought and thought how he could help these mice that trusted him. And, as almost always when he had a doubt, he went up to the dental clinic to look. There he saw how Dr. Jose Maria put great teeth on an old man. Those teeth were not from people, they were made in a large factory for dentists. But those teeth were huge and they did not serve him at all.

Then, when he was going to go home without finding the solution, a child with his mother appeared at the clinic. The boy wanted the doctor to remove a tooth of milk so that the strong and large tooth would come out quickly. The doctor took it off and gave it to him as a souvenir. The mouse Perez found the solution: 'I will go to the house of that child and I will buy the tooth,' he thought. He followed him throughout the city and when he finally reached the house, he found a huge cat and could not enter.

The Tooth Fairy waited for everyone to fall asleep and then entered the child's room. The boy had fallen asleep looking and looking at his tooth, and had put it under his pillow. Poor little mouse Perez had a hard time finding the tooth, but finally found it and left the child a nice gift. The next morning the boy saw the gift and he was very happy and told all his friends at school.

And from that day, all children leave their milk teeth under the pillow. And the tooth fairy picks them up and leaves them a nice gift in return.

And colorin colorado this story is over.

Now it's time to remember, without cheating!

1.- What is the name of the Pèrez mouse in Italy?
2.- Do you remember that I put the Pèrez Mouse when you moved your first tooth?
3.- From whom did our friend the Mouse learn dentistry?
4.- Who were looking for the Mouse to see and repair their teeth?
5.- What happened when you saw the child?
6.- Who were your first customers?
7.- What was the most you liked about the story and why?

The funniest hour comes, tell your parents to help you download the coloring pictures together as a family!

Here you have beautiful images Fuente


https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratoncito_P%C3%A9rez http://cronicasgermanicas.com/2013/03/27/el-ratoncito-perez-y-el-hada-de-los-dientes/ http://www.guiainfantil.com/servicios/Cuentos/RatoncitoPerez.htm




I didn't know about the Mouse Perez! My daughter and I had a funny story to do with tooth fairy today. You can read it here:

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