The tingling truth on cold sores - Information for teens

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

It all started out a few days ago.  Your suddenly feel your lips tingling and itching and WHAM the next day you have an unsightly sore.  

At first it looks like a pimple but on closer inspection you will see it is a blister that will burst open.  It can be throbbing and sore, especially when it gets dry.  

Yip, you guessed it, you have a cold sore....

Some people call it fever blisters, but the question is what causes it?

A cold sore is caused by the 'Herpes simplex virus-1' and will mostly show up on your lips, but it can also be found inside the mouth or nose or on your face.  These places are mostly were the cold sore will appear, but can be found on any place on your body, even on your genital area.  (this is caused by the 'herpes simplex virus-2 and is sexually transmitted to your partner - but this is a discussion for another day.)

The herpes simplex virus 1 stays in your body and you could have picked it up when you were small and were kissed by and adult with a cold sore.  

You will not always see the symptoms of the virus but eventually, usually when your immune system is down, you will get a cold sore.  Some people never gets a cold sore, even with the virus in their bodies, which means the virus stays dormant (asleep).

Nobody knows exactly what 'wakes' the virus, and it does not only have to be having a cold.  It can be from the cold outside, the sun, menstruation, having a tooth removed or even certain foods.  This virus is very unpredictable.

Have a look at the life cycle of a cold sore and answer the questions.

  1. How long is the life of an untreated cold sore?
  2. What will you see or feel in the first phase and what do you call this phase.
  3. What happens in phase 2 and phase 3?
  4. When will a cold sore heal faster?
  5. What is another advantage of covering a cold sore?

You can infect other people when you have a cold sore and will have to take some precautions.  

A cold sore is very contagious and is spread through contact. That means you can spread it to other people, but you can also infect yourself.  Make sure you do not kiss anybody while you have a cold sore and if you put ointment on it, wash your hand afterwards.

It is also advisable to stay away from people with weak immune systems, like people with AIDS or cancer.  If they contract this virus with the illness they already have, it can be life threatening.

You can get something to put on the cold sore from the doctor or pharmacy to take away the itching, but even without treatment, it will take 7-10 days to heal.

Unless you have a weakened immune system or another illness, the sore does not heal after 10 days or pus comes from the sore and is very red and the redness is spreading, you do not need to see the doctor.

There are also a few home treatments that you can try for a cold sore.

You can also find extra information here.



Thanks somuch for article. I resteem and upvote @alishi

Thank you

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