Have you ever thought about the way that you communicate with other people?
How we communicate with other people will depend on certain factors. We don't talk to our friends in the same way that we talk to our parents or our teachers. Not because we don't have respect for them, but simply because the situation is different. We also speak differently to babies and toddlers just to be on the same level as them and to help them understand more.
The way we talk to people often depends on our personality types, and people are often misjudged because of the way they talk to others, but it might just be part of their personalities.
Let us look at the different personality types!
Personality types vary a LOT! There is not one person who is exactly the same as another. This makes learning about people and how to deal with people, a challenge. For the sake of simplicity, let’s look at a BROAD spectrum of 4 different types of people:
Which personality type fits YOU best?
If you want to find out more, there is quite an accurate test that you can do online and that will show you exactly where you fit into the personality department. Here is the link.
Because we are all unique and we all differ from each other it is often difficult to communicate with others effectively. I am a very straightforward type of person and people often think that I am a snob, which I am not. I am actually quite shy and to learn more about my personality type has taught me how to approach others in a different way and it has made my life easier.
Because we don't consciously overthink everything we communicate about, we can with certainty say that most of our decisions are made unconsciously and we don't overthink every single thing we are going to say to someone.
Even though you don't consciously decide on direct communication with others, you do have the opportunity to choose how certain choices will affect the outcome of your life.
You can make a choice to be happy or not, but it is all up to you!
When you are in front of a big decision in your life, it is necessary NOT to be hasty. It is important to follow a few rules before you make your final decision. We are often too hasty and make the wrong choices and then after wards we are all sad and feel sorry for ourselves.
Here is a list of activities that we have to do before we decide on anything:
Let us pretend that you want to buy a new car?
So are you going to buy the best looking car you can find or are you going to follow some rules?
- Be clear on the decision that you have to make. Remember to ask opinions and to consider the opinions of others, but do not be forced into a direction.
- Do proper homework. Gather as many facts and as much information you can about the choice you need to make. Speak to people. Research online. Look at brochures. Speak to agents who specialize in this area.
- COMPARE options and get more than one opinion.
- Ask yourself: What if I chose this instead of that? Notice how it makes you feel. Your GUT is a very powerful tool which is surprisingly accurate in knowing what is best for you!
- Make a list of positives and negatives!
Once you have gone through this checklist, now you are ready to make your decision. Feelings are very important here and if you feel happy, this will indicate that it has been the right choice that you have made. Just remember that we can still make the wrong choices and that is also fine. We learn through our mistakes and if you made a wrong choice once, it is not to say that every choice that you make will be wrong. We are after all just human!
people are a mirror, there reflects what they really are..