Homework is an assignment or activity that given by the teacher for students. Giving homework to our students is important in learning. Homework can stimulus their interest. A teacher can assign a homework which should practice their responsibility in doing the homework. They will do it as the deadline that given by the teacher.
Here are five reasons why we should give a homework for the students:
Students can manage their time between learning time and playing time
Students can manage their time to study or play. They are able to do their homework on time. In addition, It encourage them to be discipline.Students can review lesson that given by their teacher
By reviewing lessons which are given by their teacher, it will help the students to understand and learn more what they do not know. If they do not understand and find the difficult part in the lesson, they can ask it in the next meeting.Check out the student's comprehension about what they have learned at school
To know their progress in learning, giving the students homework is the best solution because it can evaluate their comprehension about the lesson.Explore the student's knowledge
Sometimes, students find some difficult parts of the lesson that they are not understood. They can explore it by searching on internet.Reinforce lesson material before study next lesson
Make sure the students' progress with homework before giving next lesson.
In conclusion, homework is an important part in learning prosess. The student's parent should involve to watch and help them in doing the homework. The parents can see their children's progress at school. They should support and motivate them because the students need their attention.
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nice post, dont forget upvote back.