Happiness is not what you have it is what you give.

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

courtesy of you tube

If we could teach our children to be like this man, they will all be happy and wonderful. 

He really is such a good person, and is that not we want for our children? 

Somewhere in his upbringing his parents must have taught him to care about others. 

We all try to teach our children to care about others, but this man cares about everything. 

He might not have much but he is extremely happy, and he helped this mother send her child to school. 

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I think it is wonderful. We all know that when we pass over we cannot take anything with us, what we have stays behind if it is people who will remember what we did for them it is such a good feeling. 

I am not saying that we should not teach our children to work and look after their own families as well, but if you see something that we know we can help with why not? 

Life is short it might not feel like that when you are young but the older you get you realise it is nearly your time to leave this earth. 

If it is possible to leave and be happy I am sure where we know we are going, it will make us so much happier than we ever thought. 

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Some people just keep getting things and they do not share with others yet they have so much to give even if it is just friendship. 

Friendship is something that everyone will appreciate, as we all need someone to talk to and we must know that we can trust them. 

That brings me to another point that is trust. 

It must be terrible if you trust somebody and they just go and tell everyone else your problem. 

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Trust is earned by being a good person. 

The same is applicable to teachers. If a child goes to a teacher he must know that no matter what the child tells the teacher, he should be helped because of the trust in the teacher. 

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Is it not wonderful to think that all those boys who were in that cave with their coach have been saved? 

Had it not been for him and the trust they had in him I am sure things would not have worked out so well. 

Then there were people from all over the world that helped and the divers who brought them out had to have their trust. 

I am sure if trust was not involved things might have worked out so much worse.

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 These parents and other people watching this over the world had to trust as they all worked very hard to get them out. 

With a lot of hard work and planning as well as help from a lot of people who do not even live in Thailand these children were rescued. 

I really think that is trust as well as not thinking of themselves but of those who needed them at the time. This video I  put in here is just about a simple good man who cared just like these rescuers and coach cared but in a tiny way he made a lot of people very happy. 

Please teach your children not to just think of themselves but of others as well as they will be very good people. 

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If we can teach our children that, we might not have so many drug addicts and have more people who care for others. Why do they become drug addicts because no one cared? 

If more people cared for them they might not have reached this terrible point in their lives. If they were taught to help others they also might not have gotten messed up with drugs.

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So try to teach your children not to live for themselves alone but care about others and trust people who want to help them. 

I really hope you liked my post and may you have a wonderful happy day from me.        


Thanks, Sir, you have learned a lot from this post to post a beautiful video of yours so that there are still good people in this world that help each other

Great video and post for motivation i would say be happy in every situationol of life.

Great video sir.
I like it your every Post. I appreciate your valuable Post. thanks for sharing your life..sir, please @upvote my favorite Post..https://steemit.com/life/@konasharmin/my-best-friends-picture-share-of-steemit

Lesson learn from the video.... Humanity is everything... Without it you r not called to be human

Happiness is also what you get when you give.

The video was very touching. A genuine happiness for an act of kindness ♥

absolutely loved this post ! :)

The best in life. He is happy

Thank you for sharing another beautiful write-up with a beautiful video with an even more beautiful story @bigbear. I feel so happy and moved watching it. We must guide our children to be like the man, to help without thoughts for reward and doing good to everyone and any living being. At the end of it, the reward gained is priceless.