Thankfully not all people are bad, some are but others have hearts of gold.
This family adopted triplets that were abandoned in the hospital.
Two of them were conjoined twins and had to go through a lot to get separated.
If it were not for some good people in this world what would have happened to these babies.
I think as a mother I can not believe that people can just abandon children.
To me it is unthinkable no matter what.
We are sent these children that we have from God and he is doing it so that we can be happy.
There are so many people who would love to have children but just cannot.
This mother just left her babies in the hospital.
Fortunately, there were good people waiting on the side to foster them.
In the end they adopted them and if you watch this video you will see how beautiful they are as well as happy.
It does take special people in this world to take on children like this but they are truly adorable.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did and think how blessed we are with our children. I really hope you have a wonderful day from me.
I agree, how could anybody discard any kids,
They are the future and need to be looked after while they are growi ng up, and sometimes, afterwards as well.
Hi so good to see you, I can not believe that any mother abandons her babies no matter what the circumstances.