Today we are seeing how creative some people are, this video really impressed me so much especially the answer he gives at the end of the video.
This man really wanted to find work and he was really prepared to do anything for his family to do work.
Can you believe that he did not get the work because he did not have an e-mail address?
Once you watch this video you will realise with a little bit of creativity, he really made his life so much better than he ever thought.
We are all so inclined to think that we live in a technological age and should have everything that we can use.
It does make out life easier but it is not the most important thing we have to do.
Being creative was his best way and that is exactly what he did.
Children should be told this story if they cannot read yet, and explain to them how he became successful.
This video touched my heart and I am so happy for him.
I am not saying that technology is not good, because even now when I am old I still struggle as it is a difficult thing for me to understand all the things that we can do on computers.
My knowledge is very limited but I have learned enough to be able to help myself to a certain extent.
Being old does make us learn slower and I am really persisting to learn as much as possible.
That is so important that we just keep learning even when we are old. This man impressed me so much as he just did not have a computer or maybe he was too poor to get one.
Once he realised that he did not have what they needed to tell him about when he had to start working, his creativity kicked in and he really made a great success of his life.
We forget that not everyone has money to buy a computer or do things in technology because they are to poor. Today computers are like radios in the old days and everyone came together to listen as that was the only entertainment they had.
If they did not have one they use to play games and just make their lives interesting. That is also being creative.
We must learn to be happy with what we have as sometimes the little money we have, has to go for food and medicine as well as other things our family need.
So please watch this video because it is very smart and it will show you that by never giving up you can reach any goal, you have in life.
Giving up would have made this man’s life very bad and he would never have gotten to the point where he could have helped and looked after his family.
So if you are not in a position to do the things you want, because you do not have the money find another way of working out your problems instead of giving up.
If we can teach our children to persist in what they are doing we are really teaching them that life is about finding a goal and reaching for it.
Once they have learned this they will always make a success of their life.
I really hope you enjoyed my story and that it will teach parents to keep their children on track to reach a goal. Have a wonderful day from me and have a day of not giving up no matter what.
Good job dear.keep it up
excellent post nice article and photography dear @bigbear how are you ........
I feel a lot better thank you for asking.
The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!Hello @bigbear, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine.
Thank you very much, it is very appreciated.
Very nice a post posted by sir has been great. You have no comparison but have posted a very nice one thank you very much by my side
Emails work on sending the words. Like in the old time, a chit is written and sent by a post office.
Really interesting post dear and I really enjoyed the video... :)
Thank you I so love your replies -:)