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RE: Some Financial Mistakes That Are Often Repeated From Year To Year

Talk about that extravagant nature! That is a lot of people's downfall. It has to become second nature to accept what you can't change then to neglect a priority. It is possible to do this thing that is called living within your means. When you live within your means you can learn to save whatever little you have. You have to have certain conditions met to have a piece of mind if not you can't began to understand your financial problems. Not having any finance is a financial problem; not taking care of your monthly needs is making bad investments/decisions.
Another thing about going into the new year is saving fiat is a bad idea compared to saving in a good coin.
Picture if your job allowed you to save in a coin of your choosing. Maybe, they have a list of 20 your retirement money will increase in value instead of decrease.
Thanks for the post because it had me thinking and it made some valid points.


Thanks again, for giving me some additional feedback.