Part TWENTYSIX: Working For Yourself

It had to happen sometime, and we all are sadder for it!
Part 26 of my 20 part series of tips on Being a Photographer, and working for yourself.

In my notes, somewhere around part 16 or so, I realized two things:

ONE: I had more than 20 things to say in my 20 part series.
TWO: I have been making the posts in my notes, with labels a, b, c, d, etc.
I was 16 or so, and was going to go past 20. But how far past? It turns out, I found that ended at 26 ... curiously, my notes would end with chapter z... would be close to perfect.

I bring you, the final installment of this series of Tips For Photographers

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Here now, the table of contents, if you will, for the Tips:

A little gaze into my camera bag, actually, bags, and my piles of photography stuff. What's important, and what's not:

Part 25 WORK for yourself: My Camera Bag

Getting out there, and selling. The true measure of what is good, and what sells:

Part 24 WORK for yourself: Selling Your Art

In Adobe Lightroom, understanding the Import process, and the Modules: Library, and Develop:

Part 23 WORK for yourself: Develop and Library Module, Import Dialog

I missed some earlier tips when talking Photoshop and Lightroom. Here's a look at White Balance:

Part 22 WORK for yourself: White Balance

Have you heard of Steemit? I mean, it is out there, too. Time to look at getting more out of Steemit:

Part 21 WORK for yourself: Steemit Resources

There's this FAD making it's way around the world, called the internet.
What is it, and how can you get online and let people know about you:

Part 20 WORK for yourself: Marketing Online

Are you any good? Really?
Time to find out, and get opinions that count:

Part 19 WORK for yourself: Are You Any Good?

Pardon while I go off on a tangent and delve into GEEKY camera talk, with sexy and passionate words like Exposure Triangle, ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed and Bokeh:

Part 18 WORK for yourself: Geeky Camera Talk

Be Ruthless. Be critical. Be Demanding, of yourself. The how's and whys of deleting crappy images, and paring down to saving only the best:
Part 17 WORK for yourself: To Delete, Or Not To Delete

Ever job has it's rules. And every bad boy or girl know, it's important to follow the rules. EXCEPT when it's important to break the rules:

Part 16 WORK for yourself: Rules Are Made For Breakin'

One of newer loves in shooting is Long Exposure. Capturing Silky water to give the true feeling of motion can be a impactful way to produce images:

Part 15 WORK for yourself: Long Exposure

Combining a few images into one, for a super panoramic image is a cool way to get great impact. Here's a look at the steps to do so:
Part 14 WORK for yourself: Creating A Panorama

Want to give your images an entirely different feel? Try processing Black and White. I use Silver FX Pro, from NIK, for greater control in B&W conversion:

Part 13 WORK for yourself: NIK’s Silver FX Pro Filter

NIK’s Color Efex Pro Filter can really make some iamges pop. Let's take a closer look:

Part 12 WORK for yourself: NIK’s Color Efex Pro Filter

Applying some filters in Photoshop can ruin an image. Mostly, they work across then entire image, and most images, you really only want a part of the image to be affected. NIK's Viveza 2 (soon to be, Dx02's Viveza)!

Part 11 WORK for yourself: NIK’s Viveza Filter

You do want crisp, tack sharp images, don't you?
Understanding Adobe Photoshop and some sharpening techniques:

Part 10 WORK for yourself: High Pass Filter

Outta Adobe Lightroom the images come and then, into Adobe Photoshop, for some first steps in processing there:

Part 9 WORK for yourself: Photoshopping’

Now, you've made some images, and have made BACKUPS.
Next steps in the process involve working in Lightroom, and keywording It makes finding images easier later on, when you have tens or even hundreds of thousands of images. Plus, first steps in Processing:

Part 8 WORK for yourself: Go To The Light…room!

My workflow. From prep, to camera, and then, from computer, to the digital darkroom.
A look at what steps I take, before pushing the button, and then, what to do, once I push the button. HINT: BACKUP is kinda important!

Part 7 WORK for yourself: From Here To There, My Workflow!

Shooting digital?
Cool, there's all kinds of decisions you need to make, now.
RAW? JPEG? What size?... you do know, size matters, despite what lies you have been told before:

Part 6 WORK for yourself: RAW?JPG? Add Copyright Note

A great camera, and some photos, that's all you really need, right?
No, not really. Once you have captured that digital image, what's next? Well, a computer for one... and more:

Part 5 WORK for yourself: My Machine, My Hardware!

You finally did it. You bought a camera. NOW, there's a billion other things you need, but what comes first? Here's a few MUST haves for the serious photography:

Part 4 WORK for yourself: More Stuff? More Money!

Which Camera is the best? Really, let's find out. Are they all the same? Is one better? Wait... let's talk about which camera is actually the best one out there:

Part 3 WORK for yourself: Camera? What Camera?

People are often shocked, or amazed at what photographers charge for taking a picture.
But, photographers are never charging for taking a picture... not really. There's education, and processing, there's business costs, insurance, and office time, and then developing / processing time. Here's a breakdown of why it costs so much to take a picture:
Part 2 WORK For Yourself: Wait? You Charge HOW Much?

Your salary is easy, when you work for someone else. Look at your paycheck, and if you get paid monthly, Multiply by 12.
Weekly, by 52, and every other week, by 26. When you work for yourself, how do you figure out how much per month, or week, do you need to make? Look at your Annual Salary you need, and then, do some math for Working for yourself:

Part 1 WORK for Yourself: How Much Can I Make?

I hope some of this helps.

Please consider an Upvote and Resteem so others can learn, too!

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World Of Photography


This is the first one I saw, sort of glad I got the index first lol!

Hope it helps.
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@bluefinstudios Great Post, I See & Enjoyed. Thanks For Sharing. Don't Forget To Check The Best Post Of @worktrades


Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)

great tips! Thanks for sharing :)

I will digest every tutorial you have sir thanks

Oh, thanks, I hope they help and you enjoy them.

Me gusta cuando dices que no se cobra por tomar la foto sino por el trabajo que representa prepararla... es muy cierto.

es el trabajo duro que las personas pagan. Mi tiempo dedicado a la preparación.