Do anyone really know what your Boss thinks of you?

I over heard another teacher ask my boss why she doesn't let me go because I am so much older than the other teachers.

I have to say my feelings were hurt when I heard that being said about me and I admit I am 59 and the other teachers are in their 20's. But my boss's comment made me feel better.

I have to say I don't know if she knew I heard or not was being said. But This how my boss discribed why I am there:

I am here farm girl and am not afraid to kill a bug that gets in the school and leaves the rest of them screaming.

I will fix the things I can in the classroom instead of running to her to get them fixed.

I am there for the school and the children and not for just a paycheck.

If she needs someone to stay late or come in early I am the first one she asks because she knows I will do it.

I my lesson plans are always in to her before she needs them and I always teach what is on them.

I never call out sick to the point she sometimes has to make me go to the doctor.

Age is not more important than dependability and reliability. Younger people might have more energy than older people but older people are more experienced and can be used to help younger teachers grow.


So I now know what my boss thinks of me. And why she always comes to me when she needs things done. Even if it's removing a snake in front of the school or killing a bug. To coming in early or staying late. Right now I am co-teaching with a new teacher who is just getting started.

I might be a older preschool teacher put I do belong there. I might know all the music the children like but they love it when I dance with them.

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With age comes experience and wisdom. Two valuable commodities. We also have a better work ethic than the young whippersnappers and kids like a grandma figure! So take that you young ones!

LOL. I do sometimes get called grandma buy the children by accident.

it's easy for people to talk behind your back and I doubt they would say those things to you in person. I would say they might be jealous that you are a harder and more capable worker then them and they just don't want to work as hard so they try to put others down. Its great your boss has made it clear as to why you are there. Keep shaping those young minds and doing your best because it's a very important time for Children to get off on the right foot. Teachers in general do not get enough credit in my opinion and it's often a Thankless job with many sacrifices. But in the end it's worth it because so many will benefit from your caring :)

touched by the last paragraph, I'm really adore the guru with full experience in her life. just remember me about my teacher in elementary school. ^_^

Glad it brought a good memory for you

Holy moly @coffeetime, I am glad you were able to take it in stride. Those are incredibly unkind words being suggested by your far less experienced peers. I am thrilled to hear you have a solid boss who values you for your true abilities. Way to hold strong and thanks for being such a level-headed, kind heart! Thanks for sharing!