*Ok this is a interesting question since I teach 4 and 5 year olds?

Yes,I do give homework to the children in my classroom. It is usually the tracing the letter and number of the week. Also we do a monthly book log of the books the parent has read to the child during the month. We also do show and tell once a month and have the child bring in a item that starts with one of the letters we have learned during the month. The only problem with giving homework to the children is the parents want me to send home more home work for the children to do.
We also send home a calander of fun things with their parents during the month. The calander has things on it like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich together. Hunting for shadows with your parents. Do a treasure hunt for a color (the parents pick the color)item. I know the calander is not homework put it is to encourage the parent to do things with their children. The parents love the calander of things to do with their children.

Homework should never be thought of as a punishment for the parents to use with the child. Homework in the VPK classroom is given to the child to have the parents involved in their childs learning. Chldren get excited when they learn something new and like to share it with everone they can. It is kind of like a adult gets a new car they like to show it off. The child likes to show off what they are learning.
The first time a child learns to do something by themself is a big step for the child. They take pride in themselves and by sending homework home with 4 and 5 year olds gives the child a chance to show off what they are learn at their school. To the child the kind of homework I send home is to the child is a chance to show off to their parents what they are learning in the classroom.
To a 4 or 5 their homework is look what I am learning to do at school. And when they show you their homework is done and they show it to you. Your child wants to hear WOW you did that by yourself or WOW you did a great job. No child wants to hear that's nice or the OK response from their parent.

Excellent home work.i like it.
Thank you
Wow, very good ideas @coffeetime
Thank you
totally agree! homework should be something that will give parents an opportunity to spend meaningful time with their children and for children to "show off" to their parents what they learned in school. i give them a simple "draw and write" journals to document their activities with parents. its fun!
Draw and write journals sound fun
My boy does lots of various schoolwork, so he can be tired after school.
Only 2 pieces of regular homework he does are a page of simple Chinese writing tracing dotted lines of Chinese characters and a diary where he says whatever has happened to him on the day in simple sentences. Both take no longer than 15 minutes.
Well done teacher!
Great idea with the calendar of things to do together! I like shadow hunting or looking for a color! Sometimes just coming up with ideas is the hardest part! Giving them the calendar with a lot of ideas takes a lot of the pressure off. That's such a good idea! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, The idea of the calander was started because parents were having a hard time coming up with free or cheap things to do with their children.
Makes sense. It's a great idea!!