Valentines day is coming up and be will be using hearts in some of our learning.

We will be using candy hearts to see what happens when we put them in water,salt water,baking soda water and vinegar water to see what happens in each type of water and which dissolves first. We also be using candy hearts for color sorting and making patterns.

I also have different size foam hearts that will be used for heart hop scotch. What I did for the heart hop scotch was take a perment marker and write the numbers 1 through 10 on them. Another thing the large foam hearts will be used for is seeing how many hearts tall each child is. This done by putting the hearts on the classroom door and counting how many hearts tall each child is.
We will have shaving cream make a appearance in our lesson plan for writing their names in and drawing hearts in. Yes, I know this can be messy. I bet we will have children wearing shaving cream beards and some will have shaving cream up to their elbows. The children love it when we use shaving cream. The good part of using shaving cream in the classroom it makes your classroom smell great.Shaving cream will be put in a zip lock bag with a small amount of red paint to see what happens and some sensory fun.
The children will be making valentine card for their parent. They will be given a paper plate a brown rectangle,yellow triangle and red hearts. It is suppose to be a piece of pizza and we will be writting on the paper plate you stole a pizza of my heart.
I will be hiding different color hearts in the classroom or maybe outside it depends on the weather and we will be playing treasure hunt for hearts. Then we will all count how many hearts each child found together. To see who found the most hearts and the winner will get to pick a prize out of the treasure box.
Haha, I've been seeing hearts everywhere! Valentine's day and all!
This is a really fun idea! I may to do this with my Daisy scouts. :)
Good ideas, I'll have to give them a try with my toddlers!
These are some great interactive ideas. I'll definitely be bookmarking this for the next time my niece and nephew come over to stay with me.
Glad you liked it.