Do to the fact that hurricane Irma visited us in Florida last night and this morning. The county has decided the schools will be closed until monday 9/18.
Some areas have no power and no water or are in water restrictions. Some of our schools are in flood areas. There is repairs to be made at the schools. This is a life learning experience for the children. Most of them have now been thru a evacuation,seen the damage can be done by the weather.
But the best learning experience is what schools can do for the community. Several of the schools were used as emergency shelters. The school board did not want to force the people in the shelters to be forced out into unsafe living situations.
People are complaining the schools are closed,but the students safety and serving the community is more important than people needing to find a baby sitter. This was a natural disaster and I am proud how our schools pulled together with the community.
I think it was wonderful how the schools stepped up to help the communities. I have a feeling though that it may be a bit premature to say the schools will reopen in a week's time. It may take longer for flooding to recede, the power to be restored and to have potable water in their homes. It is a massive job ahead.
i don't know why they are saying just a week. Maybe they think they should have plans in place to what they are going to do. Also we have to have so many school days. We are losing 6 schoolday as it is now.
That's true, but when it comes to natural disasters there is little we can do but go with the flow.
Good time to go to Disney World!!
Disney is closed
They plan on opening tomorrow. Schools will still be out.
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I was wondering how the schools were going to reopen in many areas as well...I wonder if it would be possible to start sending out homework assignments and allow the kids to work at home so they won't have to lose so much of next summers' vacation due to schools having to repair from the storm.
I don't think they can send out homework there is still around 1 million people with out any power.