Teaching children about shadows

Today I was teaching the children about shadows.

Somethings I teach the children about are easier than I think it is going to be. Part of the lesson today was going on a walk and looked for things that have shadows.

The children enjoyed the walk looking for shadows and what shadows they seen. Of course they seen their own shadows,also we found shadows of buildings,trees and even the dog that walked by us had a shadow. I found out that when we get to do part of the lesson plan outside. It gives the children a opportunity to spend some extra time outside and it is kind of a treasure hunt for them and they really enjoy that.

You can try to explain how shadow are formed in a scientific explanation but how the children explain how shadows are formed is cool. Their explaination was "The sun hits something and that makes a shadow sometimes it is a big shadow sometimes it makes a little shadow." I guess the simplier the explanation is the better it is.

When you work with children you get to know what kind of things they enjoy doing and it makes it easier to teach them. If you add thingsthey like to do in your lesson plans you are able to grab their attention easier and you get to teach what you need to teach with out them getting distracted as easy. When you have children with ADHD inyour classroom keeping the children focus can be quite a problem when some of them have a hard time paying attention for any length of time.

If you can make the learning fun for the children it is easier to teach your lessons with out them being distracted as much as if you just teach them with lesson worksheets. If the learning is interactive for them. They also learn better when they are doing it for themselves.


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This applies to adults too!! I used to teach college Freshman - Juniors. Keeping things engaging and entertaining is always a must.

And - when I learn things on my own, it helps if I apply things to my everyday life. Very similar!

That sounds like a lot of fun! One activity for little kids is you could get sidewalk chalk and take them outside. Have one kid stand still and another kid can trace their shadow outline on the pavement. Then they trade places so everyone gets their shadow traced on the ground.

I will have to try that on the playground.

This certainly can help the kids develop their discovery (need to know and identify what shadows are), sciences (why there are shadows), and arts (different kinds of shadows and they can make their shadows too).

Well done!

Thank you, I am glad you understood the point of teaching about shadows the way I did.

I must salute my boy's teachers for their explaining to me on each teaching unit.

My boy, almost 6 years old, is doing the international baccalaureate (IB) primary years. This is exactly what he's been doing at school and also what I've been asked by the teachers to explain those concepts to him at home. So teaching at school can be consolidated by the home-school collaboration.

It is always better for the children if the parents and teachers areable to work together towards the childs learning.

Shadows never lie, and if children are taught that at a young age you can sometimes extract information from the children you might never get.
I've told my kids if they don't tell me the truth when I question them, I'll just ask their shadow because they know that their shadow is always with them. God gave them shadows so parents don't have to hover around them all the time. It works from about age four through about 7 or 8 depending on the child.
Learning about shadows for art is one of the hardest things to do, because all the shadows have to correspond in size and direction based on the location of the sun in the picture, a very tough concept to master.
It is good for kids to get outside and learn so I commend you for taking advantage of that when you can.

Thank you. I told them all their shadows know everything they do and theylike to talk to the adults.

Great post! I teach high school but even for the older kids they learn so much better, and resist a lot less, when they are an active part and experience the lesson. Keep up the good work!

We measured our shadows at different points of the day. It worked out well.

Great post.thanks for sharing.