I almost missed this, thank goodness for your all capital laughter lol! Yeah, that child of mine is a riot.
I did do the violet one, it's up there, the fungi I couldn't identify and the first lost shoe was with it. You're right though, no blue. The only picture I had from foraging that had blue in it was literally one that showed a lot of sky, and that's it. My plan actually was to do this post on the day I was supposed to do blue and use the sky picture as the first one, but a family matter came up and I didn't end up posting anything that day. I would be less vague if we were talking in chat ;)
I'm glad you enjoyed this, I definitely had fun scavenger hunting for them and even making the posts- surprised me because I'm not usually great on informative pieces lol.
Oh I thought the violet-ish one was indigo. My mistake. I was about to head out, but I decided to answer some replies before I go. The sky one would've been great. I haven't seen a blue mushroom before, so that might definitely be a rare find!