Why You Should Guide Your Child In Learning?

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

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Nowadays, many parents are too busy with work that they forget to guide their child. Some don’t have time to even say “hello” to their child because of their busy schedule - they get up early and go home late. This has been the case for most working parents and only rely on others to give the education their child needs. Of course, there’s no harm in asking for help from tutors or school to teach their child however, the harm goes when the parents became too dependent to other people forgetting their responsibility to also be a teacher.

Unhealthy School Dependency

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Education today are mostly dependent on schools that’s why parents always opt for “the best school.” But do you know that relying solely on the institution can do more harm than good to your child?

When parents look for the best school, they have the tendency to completely ignore teaching their child. So where’s the harm? Well, it is on the fact that teachers in school cannot focus their 100% attention on your child because there are also other children they needed to work on. Case in point, if your child suddenly lost interest in school, the teachers can only do so much (and most of the time not enough) to encourage and gain his interest again. He might think, “My parents don’t care about my education so why should I?”

Have you seen a reckless student in a private school? (Yes.) Have you seen a good student in a public school? (Yes.) Most parents see private schools as “the best schools” for their child but how come these schools also has reckless students? Simple, we can conclude: More Than Good Schools, Your Kids Need Good Education. It does not depend on the school alone. An example are corrupt government officials who came from prestigious schools. What’s my point? The secret is how the child was raised and not what school does he go to.

If you can enroll him in a good school, good or even better. However, make sure to give him good education.

Parents: The First and Best Teacher

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What is good education? Good education requires a lot of TIME from their Best Teacher. If you want your child to have the best education, the best teacher should give them their time and effort. And who is the best teacher? The child’s mother and father. In short, his parents.

The question is, do parents give enough time to teach their child everyday? This is the problem of most parents. They are too busy with work that they rely on schools but these institutions should stand only as secondary teachers. You know, if parents are too busy with work then there will be a problem in the future.

Why there are instances where some parents shell out a lot of money for their child’s education but the latter ended up rebellious? To top it off, their child didn’t even finished school? This is because his parents wasn’t able to guide him first-hand. A school is too big for your child to be given 100% of his teacher’s attention, that’s why it should always be the parents as his best teachers.

As a parent, please do remember that more than good school, your child needs you! He needs your time and someone he can look up to.

Benefits of Guiding Your Child

There are benefits in guiding your child, they are as follows:

1. Bonding Time With Your Child

Learning becomes more fun when you’re with someone you love! Your child will likely cooperate with you because they are enjoying what they are doing.

2. He Can Become A Scholar

Not only in academics but also in sports. When you guide your child in learning, he will become more focus. A plus is that you’ll be able to see the talent of your child and can enhance it. This is his ticket to getting that scholarship.

3. No Failed Grades

Instead, you’ll be amazed on how good your child becomes. What is wonderful with children is that they love to please their parents at a young age. Just a tip: Always appreciate the good deeds of your child.


Parents should not solely rely on schools to give good education rather, they should be the first and best teacher. Giving time and effort in a child’s learning will reap good fruits in the future.

Thank you for reading this article.

February 18, 2018

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Amen, sis Em. Experience teaches children about the world and their place in it. Everyday of a child’s life is spent learning, growing and developing. Let's try to include opportunities for learning in daily life as well. Play is one of the ways kids practice life skills(not only book skills). Find time to interact with them and play. No need to buy expensive toys/gadgets etc. Every weekend, my daughter and I are taking some beach walk as well.

Wow sis thanks for the tip! I will keep this in mind since I have 2 growing boys!

thank you sis for sharing this. As a teacher the parents should be the first teacher of the child. Very informative.

Parents are the first and best teachers!

this post of you, kind of reminds me the movie

"every child is a special. 😊

What movie? Hehe but I agree, every child is special

thats the title mam, every child is a special 😄

Nice parenting. Keep it up!

Haha wala pa ako dyan.. Mga babies pa kids ko

Very nice blog maam... "mother is the best teacher... ❤️😊

Thank you. Yes I agree that mother is the best teacher but the fayher should get involved too!

yes working parents have less time but it is not their fault because they need to earn to be able to send their children to good schools

I think it's all about time management..

Great post. This will help those who are already parents, planning to be, and soon to be parents. Thanks for sharing this here.

I agree, we should teach our child at their young age, so they will bring those upon their growth

I completely agree that too many people nowadays expect schools to raise their children. Even though my kids went to public school. I would go in and speak with their teachers before school started to see what kind of relationship we were going to have. I was a single mom so volunteering at the school was out of the question. Did I set up meeting and phone calls to stay on top of what my kids were doing?? YES I DID. I have had my kids placed in other classes for various reason, mostly I did not like how the teacher handled situation, such as bullying. No I only did this one with each kid. One was the teacher was actually abusive to my daughter. My son was being bullied by another student and the teacher did nothing, so we changed classes luckily the issues were resolved.Very well said and thank you for a wonderful ost @emdesan.

Believe it or not how you work with your child with school and homework, lays a foundation of self-esteem and work ethic. When your children see you're dedicated to them even though you do not get to spend the time with them that either of you need or deserve. They KNOW no matter what you are there for them, you support them.

That was a good read @emdesan I agree with you, parents should remember to teach their kids. The most important lesson they can teach them is manners, and it is amazing how many don't have basic mannners nowadays.. It's just the simple things, please and thank you and holding a door open for an elderly person and giving up your seat on a bus for a pregnant lady...

Absolutly agree, sis. Thanks for remind me as a mom. I also have special child with dyslexia, I can't count his school or other teacher to understand the way he learn. I must devote my time to guide him in learning.

Thanks for sharing, really love this post!

What a great post, I am kind of jealous also because I had neither a bonding time with my parents over my school work. They didn't seem to want to know and would just put me down whenever I said I wanted to do something. And the same with my school, I was a good student who wanted to learn but the teachers just lost interest in me, thank you for sharing I agree every parent should follow these guidelines.

Its a good post, i think all parent must read this post. Thanks for sharing

Hello, I am a father and teacher at the same time, and after reading your publication I feel more confident about how I educated my children, because I gave them love, education and enough support to grow in harmony with our society.