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Try to ask your friends about their favorite subject as a student, probably most of them will talk about Mathematics, English, Science, Arts, Sports, and Music. Only few will remember that Values is also a part of the school curriculum. I admit that when I’m still studying, I don’t take this subject seriously. I don’t give too much effort to this whenever we had an exam. I’d rather choose to spend my hours in memorizing equations rather than reviewing this kind of stuff. It’s not for the reason that I don’t like it, I just find it easier to answer compared to Algebra and Physics.
As the years are passing by, it is now clear in my head that Values must not be taken for granted. It has an equal degree of importance together with other academics. I started to appreciate the efforts of several educational institutions for teaching good morals and right conducts. One of the sad realities is that some parents are busy and don’t have enough time to enlighten their children about it. Although the teachers can’t fill up the entire gap, they are still doing their best to educate the students to practice good manners.
What are the impacts of Moral Values in a child’s life?
Love – They will have the genuine kindness in their hearts.
It is not a reciprocal obligation that when you give to others, you must receive something in return. It is necessary that even at their young age; they must learn that there is more joy in giving than in receiving. They will realize that helping should be done unconditionally with pure motives.
Respect – They will be ready to accept differences in all aspects.
Due to cultural uniqueness, we can’t expect that everybody will agree with the same thoughts that we tend to believe. It will prepare them to look beyond and considerate to put themselves in the position of other people. The willingness to tolerate different opinions will help to avoid arguments.
Honesty- They will have the conscience to say the truth than lies.
Money is very dangerous if we are careless in our choices and decisions. There are individuals who fall into this trap and became cheaters in order to be on the top of society. It can be prevented if we trained the young ones to always think and act according to ethical standards of right and wrong.
Humility – They will learn to be humble and modest in everything.
There’s nothing wrong to feel proud of ourselves specially if we succeeded in something but we must also lower our pride when needed. Those competitive students should know that arrogance will never give them a better life and to admit mistakes is not a weakness but a sign of courage.
Forgiveness- They will see that sympathy and mercy must prevail.
War is the result of greed, anger, and lack of harmony between each of us. Even if we can’t bring back the past, we still have the chance to teach the next generation to exercise compassion to those who hurt them. They will have the awareness that revenge will only lead to worst consequences.
Moral values should not end in four corners of the room; it must run throughout our blood vessels. Our intelligent, medals, and trophies are nothing if our attitude is awful. The hardest tests in life are not those questions that are usually printed in papers. We may not even notice that our etiquettes are being tested. When your mother prepares food for you, do you bother to say thank you? When someone is trying to catch your attention, are you thinking about your partner’s feelings? When your best friend who is now with your ex-lover asks for your forgiveness, are you ready to forgive?
To have manner is not like an electrical switch that you can turn on and off whenever you like. Don’t imitate those individuals who are doing it for the sake of publicity and pretending to be someone else in front of other people. You must do it with complete sincerity and dedication. The fruits of living with moral values are the peace of mind and freedom from any hatred. Let’s prove that humanity still exists.

Precisely true @escuetapamela. Values is very much important to person's life because it can bring him/her to goodness.
Yes, we all need to practice moral values in our lives. :)
That's true, and you need the right assesssment and tools to see if the children have really internalize the moral values
Indeed, teach and see if they are really practicing it in their daily routines. :)
Values and character education are near and dear to my heart. I feel as though they are just as if not more important than the curriculum we teach. Thank you for helping to bring more awareness to this important topic.
I really appreciate your kind words.
Thank you so much for giving your time. :)
This is really a must read. Thanks dear 😀😁
Thank you dear for giving chance to my topic to be read by you. :)
Totally agree with you about values not to be taken lightly. I also would like to add that our school curriculum should be updated and add subjects like financial literacy and emotional intelligence. Change other subjects that have no use at all in real life. :-)
I hope so and let's wait, maybe they are now working on about it. :)
Have a nice day to you!
Thank you very much @steemiteducation for appreciating my writings. :D