How do you solve juvenile delinquency problems?

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Teachers and students are the two main figures in the world of education. The relationship between teachers and students must be well established to ensure that schools are successful in reaching their goals of educating students. When students have behavioral problems, teachers must step in and teach students the proper way to behave through lessons of understanding and proper punishments.

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Being a teacher is not easy. Teachers have many roles for students and can be seen as parents, friends, and mentors for their students. Occasionally, problems arise in the classroom where a child's behavior is disobedient and breaks school rules.
It is easy for teachers to feel frustrated and overwhelmed with mischievous students who disrupt the classroom. One student breaking the rules can cause problems by distracting other students and can prevent a teacher from lecturing.

There are several ways to address students who are disruptive and have behavioral problems in the classroom.

Tips For Teachers With Disobedient Students:

  • Be Calm and Understanding

It is important to be understanding and calm when dealing with naughty students. Sometimes kind words and behaviors can greatly help with disobedient students. Teachers should avoid being angry and using harsh word or actions. Give the student an opportunity to apologize and rectify his/her mistakes. If the student continues to behave badly then more advanced punishments may be taken.

  • Don't Give Up

Show your student you are concerned and willing to work with them to change their bad behavior into more positive actions. Don't give up when a situation is difficult. Students will react more positively to a teacher who is patient and sincere in wanting to help them. You may not always witness the results of your work, but being patient and persevering in helping disruptive students will be helpful in the long run.

  • Talk Privately

It is important to handle disruptive and delinquent students properly. Students should not be publicly shamed but dealt with privately. Sometimes students behave badly at school for personal reasons. They may have problems at home, with their friends, bullies, etc. and may not want their personal life shared in front of other students. By talking with a student privately, a teacher may be able to get the student to share their reasons for behaving delinquently at school. A private setting allows students to feel safe and comfortable talking with a teacher about their problems.

Students misbehave for numerous reasons and it is important to understand why a student is choosing to behave badly at school. In many cases students act out at school because of underlying problems. Problems at home, abuse, bullying, depression, and numerous other sources can be causes behind misbehaving at school. Delinquent acts can be an outlet for relieving anger, sadness, frustration, and other emotional or psychological problems.

If a student will not talk to their teacher or school faculty member then a conference can be set up with the student's parents. A meeting with parents and teachers helps to encourage the school and family to work together to help a delinquent student become better behaved. Sometimes parents can give teachers information about what is going on in student's personal life that might be influencing their behavior at school.

Never underestimate a student and their abilities. Just because a student is disruptive and causes problems at school doesn't mean the student doesn't have talent and intelligence. In cases of delinquent children, teachers must work hard to uncover their gifts and talents.


Menghadapi Kenakalan Remaja

Pengajar dan pelajar adalah dua tokoh utama dalam dunia pendidikan. Pengajar disebut sebagai guru, sedangkan pelajar disebut murid. Hubungan keduanya harus terjalin baik, supaya tujuan dalam aktifitas transfer ilmu dapat tercapai sempurna.

Menjadi seorang guru bukanlah hal yang mudah. seorang guru adalah orang tua, teman, sahabat dan pendengarsetia bagi seorang murid. Namun terkadang timbul masalah-masalah kecil yang menjadi penghambat fungsi guru yang bukan hanya berperan sebagai seorang pengajar didalam kelas. masalah ini bisa saja muncul akibat kelakuan murid yang melebihi batas kewajaran, sehingga guru tidak memenuhi kewajibannya.

Sering kita lihat, banyak guru yang merasa kewalahan Dengan kenakalan muridnya. Keadaan ini biasa dialami oleh wali kelas yang mendapat berbagai laporan dan keluhan dari guru-guru lain. Untuk mengatasi murid-murid yang mempunyai kepribadian kurang baik, para guru dapat melakukan beberapa hal yang tertera dibawah ini.

  • Jangan berlaku keras
    murid yang nakal akan luluh Dengan kelembutan dan kasih sayang. Jangan lansung membalas kesalahannya dengan kekerasan dan kemarahan. berikan satu atau dua kesempatan untuknya agar tidak lagi nengulangi kesalahan yang sama. Jika tidak ada perubahan, buatlah perjanjian dengan murid tersebut. Isinya adalah ketika dia melakukan kesalahan lagi, maka dia siap untuk dihukum sesuai dengan apa yang telah dijanjikan.

  • Ikhlas dan sabar
    Perlihatkan kepedulian dan perhatian bahwa setiap guru menginginkan perubahan terbaik bagi muridnya. Jangan menyerah sebelum dia berubah. Murid itu pasti akan merasakan keikhlasan dan kesabaran seorang guru yang akan membuatnya sadar secara perlahan. Yakinlah, bahwa setiap usaha pasti membuahkan hasil. Walaupun hasilnya tidak terlihat lansung, namun suatu saat nanti pasti akan dirasakan.

  • Bicara empat mata
    Panggillah murid itu untuk berbicara empat mata, tanyakan hal-hal yang mungkin menjadi tekanan baginya. Sebelum itu, berikan penjelasan bahwa seorang guru adalah pendengar setia bagi muridnya. ketika murid itu mulai merasa nyaman membicarakan hal-hal yang mungkin pribadi baginya, Jangan lupa terus berikan solution dan motivation. Paling tidak selalu ajak dua untuk mengubah diri.

Perlu diingat, kenakalan murid itu bukan hanya bersumber dari keinginannya. Fenomena yang terlihat bahwa kenakalan seorang murid itu timbul dari masalah pribadi dan berbagai tekanan yang dia alami diluar jam belajar. Kelakuan buruk dan kurang sopan terkadang menjadi pelampiasan dari berbagai tumpukan masalah hidup yang terjadi padanya. Banyak murid yang sulit diatur mempunyai permasalahan dengan keluarga.

Solution lain, dapat pula tanyakan lansung kepada orang terdekat seperti keluarga mengenai apa yang sedang terjadi atau masa lalu kelam apa yang mungkin mendorong dirinya untuk berbuat nakal, sebagai guru yang baik, Jangan pernah meremehkan kekurangan seorang murid. Karena dibalik sebuah kekurangan pasti ada kelebihan dan bakat yang masih terpendam.

Hopefully useful..


hello fataellrumy.. In my opinion, the pressures that arise from the environment and parents who want children to perform adult roles, when they are still classified in adolescence, the child psychologically has not been able to deal with it. Stress, sadness, anxiety, loneliness, self-doubt on teens makes them take risks by juvenile delinquency.

Thank for you opinion.. very useful.. 👍

Nice post.. Today's teenagers have a lot of pressures that they get, ranging from the development of physiology, coupled with the environmental and socio-cultural conditions and rapid technological developments. This can lead to the emergence of psychological problems of self-adjustment or behavioral disorder resulting in a form of behavioral disorder called juvenile delinquency.

This can all happen because of the following factors of juvenile delinquency:
the underlying religious foundations
lack of parental affection.
lack of supervision from parents.
association with friends who are not the same age.
the role of the development of science and technology that has a negative impact.
excessive freedom
the buried problem..

Thank for your comments

Juvenile delinquency in this modern era has exceeded the reasonable limits. Many minors are familiar with Cigarettes, Drugs, Freesex, and are involved in many other criminal acts. This fact can not be denied anymore, you can see the brutal teenagers today.
really very unfortunate.!

Tulisannya bagus ini.. telah kami follow yaa.. :^)

iya, terimakasih.. ☺

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okay.. thank you very much..