💭 How to Remember Names: Sophie Turner aka Sansa Stark (English & Deutsch)

in #steemiteducation8 years ago (edited)
Learn how to memorize the name of actress Sophie Turner with Memory Techniques.

Using memory techniques is the most undervalued skill for all of us in our modern world. Learn how to apply them specifically to names in this daily series. Training with different names every day will make you a Super Memorizer, a term for people using memory techniques with speed and accuracy.

A study from my colleague Dr. Boris Konrad shows that that with a little bit of training you can rewire your brain to astonishing degrees. Understanding how it works is not enough: You need to practice it!

Techniken für das Gedächtnis sind die vermutlich unterbewerteste Fähigkeit unserer modernen Welt. Lerne sie spezifisch auf Namen anzuwenden, in dieser täglichen Serie. Trainiere täglich und werde ein Super Memorizer, ein Begriff für Leute, die mit Gedächtnistechniken schnell und akkurat memorieren können.

Eine Studie von meinem Kollegen Dr. Boris Konrad zeigt, dass du mit etwas Training dein Gehirn neu vernetzen kannst. Verstehen allein reicht nicht: Du musst es üben!
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Sophie Turner

Our Game of Thrones actress of the day is Sophie Turner who plays Sansa Stark, the oldest daughter of house Stark.

Unsere Game of Thrones Schaupspielerin des Tages ist Sophie Turner, die Sansa Stark spielt, die älteste Tochter des Hauses Stark.
Image Source

The Memory Hook

Finding a memorable feature of the person

To memorize a name we scan the person for a memorable feature which will become our memory hook. That can be basically any body part as well as clothes, tattoos and accessories. By thinking about that feature our brain will trigger the connected information.

A celebrity with a famous alter ego role is ideal. Now we can imagine Sansa Stark in her Northern Clothing.

Um einen Namen zu lernen suchen wir nach einer auffälligen Eigenschaft als Anker für unseren Gedächtnis. Das kann praktisch jedes Körperteil sein sowie Kleider, Tattoos und Accessoires. Denken wir an den Anker erinnern wir uns an die verknüpfte Information.

Ein Schauspieler mit berühmten Alter Ego ist ideal: Wir stellen uns Sansa Stark in ihrer nördlichen Kleidung vor.
Image Source

First Name: Sophie

Sounds like "sofa"

For each name we search for a phonetically similar word which is good to visualize. Sophie sounds like a sofa.

Für jeden Namen suchen wir ein phonetisch ähnliches Wort, was gut vorzustellen ist. Sophie klingt wie ein Sofa.

Family Name: Turner

Sounds like "turner"

Her family name Turner sounds exactly like the kitchen tool turner.

Ihr Familienname Turner klingt im Englischen genau wie ein Bratwender (turner).

The Memory Story

Connecting the memorable feature with the keywords for the names

Sansa Stark is flipping Lannister burgers on a hot sofa with a turner. They shouldn't have executed her dad!

If you visualized that you have now memorized Sophie Turner. Viszualize it again a few times during the next days to make it stronger and you will easily remember her.

Sansa Stark brät Lannister Burgers auf einem Sofa mit einem Bratwender (turner). Sie hätten ihren Vater nicht hinrichten sollen.

Mit entsprechender Visualisierung, hast du nun Sophie Turner memorisiert. Wiederhole die Geschichte in den nächsten Tagen ein paar Mal um die Erinnerung zu verstärken.
sophie turner

All photos are taken from Pixabay if not labeled otherwise.


What would be your story for Sophie Turner?

Earn 0.1 SBD for your alternative images/story.

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"Sansa stark, went to Agia Sofia (Instabul), to return the Artifact she stole!"
I ve been to Agia Sofia as a kid in it was marvelous, plus its a very famous temple.
For the 2nd part , I made a socking scene to remeber using the sounds of reTURN the ARtifact.
Upvoted resteemed and followed.

its funny , now that i repit the frase in my mind , i start "sophie turner went to Agia..."
I watch the series too but till now i didnt knew the name.

Ah cool, I didn't get right away what you did:

You put the AR- of Artifact as an edition to the reTURN. That is pretty good. This will make it bullet proof but it is also a tiny bit more difficult to imagine and put together again. Usually I make my life easier by reducing my images to as few as possible. Remembering the -ER ending of Turner is often enough something that just happens automatically after you already remembered reTURN.

Either way: Well done! I like the story. Visualize how she returns a certain object to some personal from the Hagia Sophia.

Bonus Tip! 0.2

You are right . "Return" works alone , the artifact is just a bonus that works better with the story.

"Sofie had no idea the sulfur would turn her hair brown. " how's that lol :)

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That is actually really good. Nice and short. You should imagine how Sophies face looks like when she finds out. That makes it better for visualization!

Sulfur is maybe a bit tricky to remember for some people. But if one knows that element well enough it will work. Another complain would be that sulfur has this additonal L in it which might be a bit confusing. But phonetically they close enough. Well done. And you even resteemed Sophie. So bonus tip! 0.2

And check out the two new posts from today to collect your SBD. :)

Cool good food for thought. I was thinking of sofie and idea then turn her lol

Hi @dreamingirwin! You have just received a 1.8 SBD tip from @flauwy!

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Stark reminds me of tony stark, So sansa and tony stark are watching sensual babe sophie stripping and turning around :P

Sexy! That is always super helpful for a story. This story is very good.

Some extra thoughts: Using Tony Stark is relying on another character. That means you must be sure that you know that other character by heart. I assume you do and so do I. But it will not work for everybody. However, it is my favourite story for Sophie so far. But if you win I will decide tonight. ;)

Here comes your first tip!

My alternative story would be, sophie one of colleques who happens to have the same first name so is suitable for an image, wearing a t-shirt of SOP ( a chess club i am familiar) in order to remind me how it is spelled. So sophie keeps turning to one direction super fast like a drill and just like that she smashes into sophie turner's eyes, which is the feature that I notice first when I see her face.

Hi @theokritos, thank you for your story. It is very interesting. It is good using familiar people with the same name. I barely ever do that in my stories here because I want them to work for everybody.

I like the fact that you added the SOP chess club T-Shirt. That way you have an extra reminder for the spelling, as you said. Good thinking.

I also resteemed

Cool. Please keep in mind that participation rule states that you must resteem the contest article. Resteeming the post you are commenting on activates the bonus rule. So please resteem the contest article and I will send you your bonus. :)


Wow, now you resteemed all of them. Ok, I here is the bonus tip! for this post. I will add the other one in the other.

I am not doing it to suck your dry. I like your work anyway. No need for future tips for resteeming.

No, that's fine. The contest is entended to be like that. Just continue and you will receive your rewards. :)

My alternative memory story would be: Sophie sounds like SyFy (like the channel Got should be on) and she is a real head turner :). So Sansa Stark is watching Game of Thrones on the Syfy channel and is a real head turner

For the Dutch it would be Sophie sounds exactly like Sofi so Sansa Stark is checking her Sofi number and has to turn her ID around to check the numbers :)

Great stories. Here are some thoughts:

The "head turner" part is fantastic But the way you put it in your story is a bit disconnected. You just mention that she is a head turner. But you should make it an essential part of your story:

Sansa Stark is watching Game of Thrones on the Syfy channel and when her character appears everyone in the room turns their heads to the TV.

This is better for the visualization.

What does sofi mean in Dutch?

Sofi is your social security number

Ah ok cool. Check out the two new articles from today to collect your SBD. :)

@flauwy Boy, one really needs to have a horrible memory not to remember Sophie Turner's name. LOL. A great post btw.

I had no clue about her name until today and I watch GoT since season 1 and I read all books and I am a huge X-Men fan. So learning a name doesn't come automatically. Of course when you hear or read the name all the time you will learn it probably without any help. :)

Sophie sounds like soap.
next time i use soap i'll remember it ( insert lenny face).

You did 25% of the task:

You found a keyword for her first name. But you never connected the keyword to her in a memorable story. And you left out her family name.

Try again!

This post has received a 3.54 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @flauwy.

This post has received a 4.13 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @thinkkniht.

This post has received a 0.63 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @dreamingirwin.