Oohh, ouch! Did you call someone to clean it up? You don't want to try and do that on your own. Meth lab dumps can explode. There were some news articles about people getting killed that way a few years back.
Meth is a pretty nasty drug. I've seen what it can do to a person's life. One of my sister's friends got into it and it really destroyed her life. She's a shadow of the person she was.
No, we're kind of afraid to call someone out of fear we'll be accused of making the mess. Not sure how to handle it. The actual meth lab was taken away and now all that is left is the trash.
The trash is the dangerous part. If you clean it up yourself, be very careful. You could tell the police about it, if you're comfortable with that. They will usually investigate and may even take the material away as evidence.
We had a guy call our house, back in the 90's, when people still had tape answering machines. He left a message for a time and location to pick up drugs. My parents called the police, and the guy from narcotics laughed when he heard it. Not only was it legit, the guy was stupid enough to leave a call-back number.
They took our tape, though.
We'll probably clean it up ourselves. That's pretty funny about the phone call. Some people are just not smart. Our next door neighbor is really alert about the neighborhood. When we first toured the house we bought he showed up with a shotgun thinking it was someone breaking in. Showed up with a shotgun when my brother came to check the house when we were out of town thinking someone was breaking in. At least we have someone looking out for us. We think he's the one who helped the cops find the former meth lab.