The following forms may act as a stimulus to independent poetry writing.
- These short examples of 'free verse' (non-conformist patterns) are enhanced by the use of Figures of Speech.
- These exercises are preceded by brain-storming words into patterns.
A. The Word Poem
Note the pattern - one word building up to five words.
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The Astronaut
(1) Space
(2) Explore it
(3) Land on moon
(4) Aliens meet the earthlings
(5) Earth like a pinprick
B. The Syllable poem
Note the pattern - one syllable building up to five syllables. This could also be written in descending order.
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The Astronaut
(1) Space
(2) Ex / plore
(3) A /li /ens
(4) Com/ ing clo / ser
(5) Blast off back to earth
C. Haiku
Haiku is a form of Japanese Poetry comprising three lines.
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The pattern is made up of five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line and five syllables in the third line.
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The Astronaut
(5) Blast off the ro / cket
(7) Up in / to the at / mos /phere
(5) Mee / ting of two worlds
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D. The Shape poem
The words are written in the shape of the subject of the poem.
The initial effect is Visual. This, together with appropriate word choice, is the key to the success of a shape poem.
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Blast off
Into Space
We've entered the race!
100SP 200SP 300SP 400SP 500SP 750SP 1000SP 2000SP 3000SP 4000SP 5000SP 10,000SP 25,000SP
@frieda you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!