Stop Child Abuse is Everybody Business #Steemiteducation


A fiend foe respires within a friend,
Child abuse is sadly a sinister trend,
Let thyself be in a berth of that picayune,
Who dangles in the fright of undone,
Every fiber bears the enormous constraint,
Each smile tears the lasting strain,
Living without money is easier though,
Survival is hardest with corrupted emotions and a No!
A denial of worthy justice for frail rubble,
Strangulating the dupe redeems the trouble,
Justice can’t be rescued via plunder of negligent,
But the Resplendent Incharge may never absolve the culprit.

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It is fearful for a small little girl to stay alone at home with her step father; life is like a bird in the cage that brutally tortured by his master but it could not leave that cage as outside teasers are waiting. Being neglected from her mother and becomes a victim of her step father’s evil intentions towards her killing internally. No one understands her mental condition and psyche. She wants to tell something to her mother but could not find words. She lost her creativity in that dark shadow.

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Child abuse is not a crime actually; it’s a dreadful action against little innocents. Our world is facing this awful crime rapidly now days. According to definition of child abuse given by WHO “includes all forms of physical and emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect and exploitation that results in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, development or dignity”. It destroys the thinking capabilities and mental growth of a child. In many instances children are bound to live at home and sometime restricted to their rooms. There are so many types of abusing like neglecting, domestics and family violence, sexual abuse, mentally and psychologically abusing the little ones.

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Lack of understanding between parents and children creates distance that alarming such conditions. Culprit takes the advantage of this distance; he never realizes that abusing child mentally and physically is a serious crime. Culprit could be anyone he/she might be in your close relatives or the strangers. The intension of the culprit is only to satisfy their inner thirst by abusing the child. Children are innocent they are unable to identify the good and bad person’s intensions. Their tender minds never experience the sufferings of the life but when they experienced such criminal acts their psychological behavior has been changed, they prefer to live alone, discount themselves from the world and become the victim of depression, anxiety and stress.

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Every day on our television we listen that how children are molested by such culprit and sometimes they killed them brutally just to hide their sin from the world. These above treatments a child faces not only in rural areas but also in the urbanized areas where people label themselves as the so called “educated people” in the society. Some of them are not only educated but also well-off people. We come across such news on television that how people from respected professions abuse the young child especially girls in private and then blackmail them not to tell anyone.

We cannot say that only uneducated people do such things, there are some educated who did such ugly and brutal conduct with the small children. Children are the future of every country they are the hopes of many, if they are treated inhumanly then the result will be bleak. When the child grew up in such environment they involve in bad activities to heel their pain, they are psychologically wounded; to calm down themselves some of them start taking drugs, robberies and killing others.

These activities heel them from this trauma. For them, these activities are the painkillers. And then the downfall of the society starts from here. In our society, victims face many problems after reporting their case; they are being ostracized and receive negative comments from the people. Society does not support the victims everyone treats them as a curse that ultimately attack on their self-esteem. Instead of doing something for the victim, in our context we make their life worst. But In some cases families are also blamed due to lack of concern towards their children. No serious action against the criminals promotes such crime, lack of justices and threats from the wrongdoer increase such acts.

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Media is the powerful tool to spread awareness if it is used in a correct way, blaming others is easy but spreading awareness and doing something for others is difficult but not impossible. We should start child abuse awareness programs and promotes them through media. Some people do not in the favor of educating child about sexual abuse and trained them how to protect themselves but I believe that it is necessary to tell our child about good touch and bad touch, trained them how to raise their voice against the wrong. Give confidence to the parents to report the child abuse case against culprit without being frightened by the threats.
Dave Pelzer says in his book

A child called it’ that “Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul”.

Society does support the victims and helps them to come from such mental torture. Their lives become dark gloomy and tense in that trauma; child needs extra care and attention that helps them to come out form this pain. Moreover, there are also many NGOs working against the child sexual abuse that provides protection from the accuser and helps the victim in every situation.

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Here, we only need to open our eyes and concern about our children because they are innocent.


Amazing to see @funnystuff get serious over this topical issue. Child abuse is really a menace which must stop!

God heal our land!

I'm @tomfreeman!

this topic has quite different from my channel but someone has to take step. Spread word is all of us business about this topic..
Thank you !

Nothing funny about child abuse. Thank you for this. @ironshield

yeah its aquite serious nowadays..

You are so true about this Topic, that touches us deep in our hearts, it is everyone role to act upon such crime

Thank you ! Keep tune

Unfortunately, child abuse in the world is on the rise. It is a bitter fact that other conscience in humans have been reduced. But why are we seeing these bitter events every day, there should be a lot of research. Our children should see the necessary training. The environment of our families must be safe and full of relaxation. Families should also see the necessary training. Child abuse is a bitter fact that has irreparable consequences for children

Exactly we should now very careful beaware.
Thanks for the generous comment and guide !

I couldn't agree with you more @funnystuff. Why do some people do that to children anyway? I mean, do they feel satisfied when they hit them? Child abuse should stop.

Its not matter you agreed or not because its sad reality .we saw news about child abuse on daily basis and next day it all normal just like nothing happen.No one take serious action we have to do something atleast spread the words..

What I meant is that I agree with what your post is about: Stop Child Abuse. I think it matters because abused children need to know that someone cares, that someone like you wants to stop child abuse, and that someone like me agreed to it.

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