Motivation to Study Mathematics

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

It is very difficult to motivate students to study mathematics. I always look for ways to motivate my students towards learning mathematics. So, I asked few mathematicians the question, What motivates you to study mathematics? Here are the answers.


Math is my life I can say! I've been going with it until now that I am already working. I started as a boy who just wondered how to solve things. I always had that feeling that whenever there is a problem I need to solve, it excites me. I see It as a challenge. A challenge that must be faced. It gives a rewarding feeling every time, I get one done. For me, "Math is like a game... you will encounter several obstacles along the way but at the end, getting the answer/proving something Is truly fulfilling!" If you are asking If you/they will be able to use math once you start working, stuff like calculus, or deriving formulas, the answer is yes. You just have to go to the right field and you will see that math doesn't stop.

In my case, as I work In the actuarial profession, I deal with math on a daily basis. Analysis Is part of our work. I derive formulas (even used calculus to get the right model for a product I am pricing then). Math will continue In our lives whatever happens. We may see It or we may not, but It's just around us.


Mathematics, in my view, is one of the most conceptual subject. The motivational factors for me to study this beautiful subject is the fact that it builds up my brain power and also makes me smarter, sharper by brain due to the conceptual approach to the subject. Further, mathematics is also such field which gives us the base in order to encounter other subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Economics etc; hence providing an opportunity to have a diverse mindset, which motivates me to study the subject. Moreover, mathematics gives us a different approach to understand the universe which also motivates me to study the subject, with a hope of understanding the universe in more scientific and detailed matter.


The challenge,
It challenges me to grow and think beyond what I am capable of. It forces my thoughts in areas which are not part of my imagination


That happiness after solving a problem which trapped me for hours motivate me to do more mathematics.


Physics is like a beautiful flesh where math is that skeleton that is hidden inside every flesh. To understand the body as a whole we need the deep insight of both. And I think the future is waiting for a new branch of mathematics that will fix the giant pillars of physics.


others might reason the beauty of it or something like that.. but to me, it has always been a thing which can engage me, a thing which fills my appetite to challenge myself.

What are your motivations to study mathematics? Please write down in comments.




My reason is becuase it look like a game. Mathematic are like puzzels to solve

I think the best motivation is to show students what science and technology would become without maths. I'm a physics graduate, and in the course of my study, i discovered how maths is the blood that runs through the veins of science

I must say that after a almost 7 years of only studying biological sciences I've actually been missing maths. The fact you're able to learn a concept and then work from there, rathan than memorise a whole lot of things, is just amazing!

One of the best ways of motivating students is hands on real world application of the knowledge they're learning. One thing that could be fun is combining say learning math with learning about crypto currencies and some aspect of how they derive their values or supply/demand metrics, etc. Real world examples where they're exploring and applying a math concept serve to cement the knowledge in their heads long term.