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I thought I get up early, You beat me. You In Cali

No, I'm in Chicago. But yeah I feed my steemit addiction early... and late lol.

hanshotfirst, really enjoying your article, GBY... seem you n your family have a perfect n simple happy life. My son is an autistic boy, we keep trying to make him understand about purpose of life. I know it's hard n seems impossible due to his condition, but we never give up!

You never should give up! I work with many children with autism and I feel lucky to know each and every one of them.

If you ever want to write any educational articles about what and how you have had to teach him, please tag it steemiteducation so the @steemiteducation team can find it and reward you.

Thank you for letting me know, I probably will do it. I am so very lucky too, knowing a dedicated teacher like you. Thank you for helping them.

Oh wow. It is such a cute explanation of your daughter, ‍👨‍👧
I can feel her cuteness by the way she giggled and that laughter,👧🏼
There could not have been a better example
to explain taoism, your article holds the cutest sample !🤗

I think I too practice Taoism unknowingly now,🎎
Rhyming has become my super power,💪🏻
I don't have to put any effort to write poetries,📝
But is it that easy to follow and learn Tao.🤔

Well done!

Haha. Thanks captain !! ;)

I was busy trying to guess you the post was about. Not until I read it. Nice one

nice comment

Don't have kids my self yet this really resonated with me.

While my son and I were putting in enough maximum effort to make even Deadpool proud, my daughter stood like a tiny, delicate statue with her net stationed motionless in front of her. The only part of her that moved was her mouth as her smile increased a little bit every time my son and I flopped around. After a sixty second round of fun, my daughter stood grinning and giggling as I switched off the machine.

Maybe it was just the fact of family loving and playing together, such a typical childhood memory, very nice. Brought the biggest smile to my face.

Thank you! I am glad it made you smile.

Nice to go through the post. Wish you a happy life with your family :)

Wu Wei act of doing nothing at same time doing something at first it sounded confusing but then it became clearer as I went further, if this could actually be applied in our day to day activities probably could archieve more than our previous attempt and still stay more healthy and happy.
Thanks for the brief discussion

I'm totally for the "Wu Wei" concept of Taoism. It's always been the state I pursue in life.
Good to hear you are teaching kids this. Keep going and all the best with parenting the lovely kids.

Have you ever seen a Taoist Excorcism?

I have never seen this. Fascinating!

Thank you for this interesting and all-embrasing post. Taoism is one of the field that i'm interested in It's hard to say what's most valuable about Taoism, because for me Taoism is the highest form of philosophy I know.
I would say that the most valuable aspect of Taoism is how it can explain the greatest matters in such a brief form. Many people believe that the most important things in life need volumes written about them to be adequately described. When I first read the Tao Te Ching, I did not understand the half of it (to say the least), but I recognized something of great value in it. Years down the road, I have still not fully got to the bottom of it, and it's only 81 very short chapters. The first chapter especially bewildered me for a long time, but now I think I have begun to understand it. That is the beauty of it. Philosophical Taoism explains things with words, that point beyond words, and it does so with brevity and as much clarity as possible.

As a father that is way more competitive than I should be with a four year old girl, I know exactly what you mean! This is such a great metaphor and really drove home how it relates. Thanks for sharing!

I'd never read about Taoism but this concept really makes me interested in learning more, because of how right it feels. I think you explained it in great simplicity, it was easy to wrap my head around it.


This is really a beautiful post and I learned something . I think to be in a constant state of Wu Wei must be awesome - this made me think - sometimes we are so rushed we miss the whole point, it is so much better to be like your daughter. Thank you - really enjoyed reading this

haha the mental image of you trying to capture the paper butterflies is funny

I don't know if your daughter had indeed mastered Wu wei , she certainly sounds smarter than the two of you though 😛😛😛😛😛😂😂😂

That's for sure!

Excellent post as always @hanshotfirst! It is a very intriguing concept, this Wu Wei, that almost exactly correlates with being present minded, in that one flows, acts, and accepts continuously without conscious thought. But, exactly as is the case with your explanation of this aspect of Taoism, the fact that it looks effortless in practice has no relation to the amount of effort a practitioner has to expend to get to the point of making it look easy:-) I loved the example of your daughter, I think a lot of times we are true experts of the Tao as children, are taught by adults to turn away from all truth unto fables of conformity and social standards, then spend the rest of our lives trying to become as wise as little children again. Thank you for sharing your thoughts:-)

Interesting. So that in order for the principle of Wu Wei to be activated (effortless action), it means that it could be argued that the road to get there might be fought with great efforts and anxieties.

@simivallyjeff53 you have hit the nail precisely on the head, as that is the underlying concept of Yin and Yang in the Tao. Light and dark, effortless effort:-)Great effort certainly, anxieties...not so much perhaps to achieve Wu Wei. We create our lives and if we need anxieties to prod us along (or believe that we do) that is what we will have in our life. If we fully accept our creative powers, we can pass straight to the enlightened phase of Wu Wei. Complete acceptance of ourselves and our path, as it really exists, is perhaps the hardest thing in this life to master for the average person.... so yes, great effort to become effortless:-)

The key problem is that many of us, myself included, have difficulty with anxieties or dealing with them in the proper way, that we can reach our "creative power." It also makes it difficult to reach this goal when you are struggling on lower rung of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, if you know what I mean.

Hi @simivalleyjeff53, I know exactly what you are talking about when you mention Maslow's hierarchy of needs! You are right, it is hard to get past fear and access our creative power!
The thing we need to remind ourselves of is for most of us in the western world, while the lower three levels may not be as good as we wish them to be, we are still fed,clothed, and sheltered in the present moment. We can make the conscious choice to focus on those higher order needs really no matter where we are, according to Victor Frankl in his book Man's search for meaning.
This is where the practice of mindfulness and Stoicism come into play. I write a lot about these subjects on my blog, but here are the three basic concepts I teach people, what I call the Three Pillars (article forthcoming).
1st If we cannot control something let it go. Focus our time and energy ONLY on those things we have direct control of.
2nd Happiness is RIGHT NOW, not in some distant future of primordial past. Be grateful for what you have now, and keep your thoughts centered in the present moment.
3rd We create our lives by what we choose to focus on, so focus wisely. If you want more drama and hassle in your life...obsess about them and more negative energy will definitely come into your life. If you focus on beauty and love and life-giving things, the universe will also bring more positive energies into your life. You get more of what you focus on, the law of positive attraction.

You are right. Victor Frankl was a psychologist who lost his family and everything he knew during the Holocaust.

everybody can do something, the hardest part is to literally do nothing :) i like this philosophy :)

hahaha this is refreshing :) thank you!
looks you are really good with you kids

I appear to be a zen master, but it's just because I am extremely lazy.,

I really enjoyed reading this post... Not only because I learned about Wu Wei, but also your relationship with your kids is really cute! Kudos to your little girl who mastered Wu Wei... you're able to give a perfect example to your students... ^^

Thanks! I have really enjoyed your educational posts as well!

I'm so glad to know that... I'm happy to contribute something.. ^^

Credit to the same philosophy of Wu Wei an excerpt from something Allan Watts said : Trying too hard is like, putting a metal rod into a stream and expecting the stream to stop. All you find however, is a greater mess than when you started.

Great post on an extremely important philosophy everyone should know about.

100% upvoted

God Speed Brethren.

Very interesting thank you for sharing appreciate it keep up the good work

wow very nice post

good post..
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great post, i'm interested

Very nice post

es muy buenas tu publicacion

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Good post very interesting unknow taoism for me

Nice one :) Kids are Kids :)

Nice post keep it up

Very interesting stuff.

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Hello friends, Write a nice post, friend photo of your friend. Your post is also very good and it is good. I never wrote such a post. Always keep writing such a good post. I feel so good

Yes, you got the concept of wuwei right... 😊🙏🏽☯️

Congratulations @hanshotfirst!
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this is funny vlog ..when i saw the vlog, i started laughing..carry on..and want more post like this..

Ahh shoot! That was an even better analogy than Pooh and the Force! Your daughter is a real Taoist master! Oh, if we could all just be leaves floating down a stream..

This was so good! Maximum effort calls for maximum support!

Having impostors is always a sign of fame. You've built up quite the reputation here that's why others want to leech from that. I don't know who they are, but I bet they're one of those revisionists that say Greedo shot first. Ugh! They want to discredit your name because they believe it to be false!

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