@cabbagepatch when you were doing your research did you come across any information supporting shedding of the live virus after vaccination? Or research on recovery outcomes on people who got measles but didn't use a anti-pyretic like Tylenol versus the ones that did?
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No I didn't come across of that in my research. Because I am directing my article to parents, I try to keep it as simple as possible. I had had the measles well before the vaccination was developed and I remember my mother putting me in tepid baths and she used an ice bag on my forehead. Those methods worked and I survived it! :D If you learn about the shedding of the live virus after vaccination, I would love to hear about it. I am always open to any new information. Thank-!
Managing fever without suppressing it outright is usually all that needs to be done to support a measles infection in a healthy child.
The link below has a couple of references on the concept of viral shedding post live vaccine.