Tips On How To Work With Social, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties

In school, we don't know what will be our students. Maybe they have difficulties in social, emotional or behavior. This kind of students are hard to deal with. It needs to lengthen the patient to have a good relationship with them. So, today I'm gonna share you Tips On How To Work With Social, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties Students.
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Tips On How To Work With Social, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties

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1. Keep class rules or activities simple and clear.
Since your students have difficulties they are hard to understand everything. So, the first tip to deal with them is to make everything simple. Let your class rules be simple and make your activities simple and clear. If you gonna havr activities in class you need to choose that don't have complicated directions. By that, the students can be able to follow you along the activities and there will be an active interaction with the rest of the class.
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2. Reward Positive Behaviors
Try to celebrate the successes of the students instead of giving them punishment of their mistakes. No students is perfect that is why you need to arouse their interest to behave in class. Motivate the students by giving them an awards. Encourage them if they are going to behave im class they can receive a gift from you.
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3. Allow for Mini-breaks
Take time to periodically stop teaching and allow your students to catch up if it is needed.Try to give them time to finish their works, get out of their seats and have some stretching. This will allow the students to regain their energy and can be able to gain their mood back.
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4. Fair Treatment For All
You need to implement your rules fairly. Don't point a students that since he/she have a difficulties he/she is exempted in implementing the rules. Enforce the expected consequences in every Students. Allowing exceptions in accuse you of being an unfair teacher.
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5. Active Listening
Children have many questions in their self. It is normal for them to ask consecutive questions that is part of being a child. They are very curious in such things. As a teacher and a second mother, you need to be an active listener. You need to answer them correctly and properly. Don't get irritated to them if they keep on asking and their questions is still the same. Lengthen your patient and give them some time to answer them.

So, the strategy and methods in teaching is very important. This make the class an extraordinary one. It allows the students to arouse their interest. It helps them to improve their behavior and orient them in proper way of living as a students.

Hope that this tips that I shared can help you in improving your teaching skills. Fighting educators!


Hi @heartmich. thank you for sharing this. You have a very good point in your article. These Class Rules must be implemented in all the classroom especially on the public schools.

Yes, I made this for in purpose. And also this is only based of what I've learned in school.