Plague of Over-apologizing: start raising gutsy kids

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

I know that I tend to write a lot about children and about what they should learn and be taught. Of course, I don't have children yet, so this may seem quite forward,to tell you what you should do with your own.
Only I'm not telling you, I'm simply writing an opinion based on my own life and experiences. The things I believe you – as a parent – should teach are things that I have learned, in my short life, and skills that I find to be particularly useful.
Good, now that that's out of the way, here we go.


Earlier today, I found myself telling my brother to be more gutsy. He's developed a habit of over-apologizing, which I just hate. He says 'sorry' for a lot of things and I always tell him there's no need to say 'sorry', that it wasn't a mistake or a bad thing, so he doesn't need to apologize.
You see this in a lot of kids. And the thing is, it's not just the kids. It's a habit that can show up at any age. Granted that it does depend on the type of person you are. Shy, introvert kids and adults are more prone to this over-apologizing than extrovert, more ballsy folks.

Do you do this? I know I do. Or at least did. I used to say 'sorry' for the silliest things that did not demand an apology and then the person I'd just apologized to would go 'But there's no need to' and then I'd be like 'Um, okay, sorry.'
See? It's a bad habit.

Which is why I've come to the conclusion that we should teach children from early on to be more ballsy. That way, not only are they better off in childhood, but also have lesser chances of becoming over-apologizers in adulthood.

How do we do this? Well, it's not just the job of the parents to teach this, to make children be brave. It's something everyone around a child can help build. Siblings – brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents – and friends, teachers, everyone who comes into contact with a child on a regular basis.
It's not about teaching a child that it's okay to act like a jerk, because it's really not. Don't teach him that it's alright to step over people or treat them like he owns them.
That's not ok.
And that's not what being ballsy is about.

It's about not feeling the need to apologize for every little thing that you do or that you think the other person doesn't agree with you. It's about daring to be “wrong”, it's about daring to be different.

Parents and teachers, as figures of authority, have a tendency to crush a child's daring and ballsier side, because they fear that that side will rebel against them, and of course, they can't have that. They don't want to raise gutsy children, because they will become gutsy adults, who dare to stand up for what they believe in, to stand up for their rights. And you can't have that in our society. And since we all live in this same society, we think it's wrong to raise daring children.

But it's not.


You need to teach them that it's okay to stand tall and to look you in the eye. I think that's a good place to start, if you hold some authority over a child, teach him that it's alright to question you or disagree with you. Teach them to say sorry when he truly does something 'wrong', but not turn it into a big drama.
But that can only work if you don't make big dramas out of every little mistake they make. Show them it's okay to be wrong, sometimes.

It's normal.

And they need to know it's alright to be able to stand up and be proud, they need to know how and that they can.
'Cause someone's going to do it and if you're going to make it in this world, you need good guts. And you need to be able to hold your own. Because if you don't, someone else will.
Show those kids how important it is to be fearless.

See, in Romanian, we have this word – pizdos. It's fun cause it's considered a bit of a dirty word, but it's not. It just refers to someone who has guts, someone who has balls.


Teach your children to be pizdosi.



I'm only 67 years old..with children and grandchildren.
I'm not qualified to comment.

You have a point...Fine, you're excused!

thank you mistress..

good one! saved me a comment and you have my upvote which I rarely give it to comments :)

Never apologize... It shows weakness!

hmm I think you should apologize, but only when you've done something shitty...

I try very very hard not to do shitty stuff... It isn't that hard, it's the fundamental precept of Christianity. I think Jesus said something like, "Thou shalt not do shitty stuff to thy neighbor"

Brilliant advice and it's definetly something that I will keep in mind both for myself and my children.

Thank you, I'm glad it helps ;)

I think pizdosi means mostly bratty. I see enough of that all around. True confidence is something else and what I think it could actually help raising a kid that can do well in this world.
Maybe teach them to be kind and take responsibility for their actions. Maybe teach them to have critical spirit and trust themselves but also ask for advice when needed.
Maybe teach them that just because someone is above them doesn't give them much rights and always be on the lookout for people who think authority is given and challenge it in the most intelligent of ways.
Maybe teach them that not every questions deserves an answer.
Maybe teach them that there's always more to learn and that lessons that matter will probably require sacrifice and the crushing of your own ego.

But is there anything more pizdos than given advice about kids at 19? :)

As a preschool teacher the problem is the ballsy children are the ones who try to push the rules in school. They are the ones who will come up and hit or kick another child or you and when they are told the need to take a break for their actions starts crying and saying I don't want too. When you make them take the break they continue to cry or act out.

Those children that are always apologizing children are the ones we tell that everthing is ok and not to worry about it. Unless it is something they really need to apologize for a example when they make sad choices and hurt a friend.

Love this post - we as South African are raised (well most of us) to be polite and say sorry but sometimes it goes too far where we are expected to apologize for thing we had nothing to do with or did not even happen in our time. I believe we need to be kind to others, not bully or look down on others, but I also agree that we may stand up for ourselves without being a jerk. Resteeming

Which is why I've come to the conclusion that we should teach children from early on to be more ballsy.

Isn't there a danger somewhere in there of raising arrogant, know-it-all kids? I also do not have kids and also tend to over apologize and overly express my gratitude. I don't think if well balanced it's that much of a bad thing.