The benefits of studying the science of logic


This study really very utilitarian and once for the following things:

  1. Train human souls in order to refine the soul and mind.
  2. Educating the minds and harness the power of expanding it with the best IE train and get used to hold the inquiry-the inquiry about how to think. So studying mantiq (logic) it's the same with studying science, in the sense of both indirectly acquire avail with the science itself, but that science as a liquid a hand of bridge to the other sciences, as well as for whereas the fund them is the truth that science.
    Thus science mantiq (logic) may also be called science or the size in Arabic called ' ilmulmizan or Mi'ulum. Other benefits:
  3. keep us to always think of the menu.
  4. Effective in thought or reason.
  5. Think systematically according to the rules of thinking menus.
  6. science as a tool in studying the science of any kind.
    learned in the science of logic is simply be thought rules the menu, it is not automatically a person who studied logic will be the person who always thinks in the menu. It all depends what kind of set of rules that he thinks that, no discipline in using those rules, practice, and of course have the resolve to stay when in truth. Other benefits:
  • The logic stated, explaining, and applying principles of abstract buyers that can be used in all fields of science.
  • The logical Lesson adds to the power of abstract thought and yet so trains and develops the power of thought and raises the intellectual discipline.
  • The logic of prevent us getting lost by everything we gain based on otoriti. Other benefits: learning logic means we learn to think or analyze the illiquid activity of human reason by which the knowledge we receive through the five senses processed and aimed to achieve a truth.
    With think we learn something so that it can assess the inferred benefits learning logic is we manifest the mind so that it is able to consider, contemplate, analyze, demonstrate the parties, prove something, proclaimed that, draw conclusions, researching a way of thought, discusses in reality and the other.




Postingan yang sangat bermanfaat bro, walopun sangat susah untk saya pahami karena keterbatasan bahasa asing, karena jaman kami dulu gk boleh belajar bahasa kafe takot jet keu kafe......hahahahahahaha

Hsahhahahahahaahah... Its funny.. 😁😁😂😂😂😁😀

saya sangat senang anda telah mmeluangkan waktu untuk singgah disini...
terimeng genaseh... :)LOL yha bang bro @dedley... :))

lon pih hana pahnyan lon tuleh bhsa kafenyan,...
leh pu ka lon prak... haha...
tapi terimeng geunaseh telah mampir bang... :)thank bang bro @azkaaura...