Everyday we encounter multiple different types of people.
Some people are constantly in a bad mood. These people are thinking about the negative aspects of life all the time.
When I see these people it frustrates me because they are just caught in their own world.
It's a negative world and they want to attract other people to that world too.
Source: Pixabay.com
You can be in a bad mood all the time if you want to, but there's really no reason for it.
After all, your day is going to happen regardless of how you act.
If you work in a restaurant like I do, you'll have to interact with guests and deal with other employees. If you're in a bad mood it just makes the day harder.
Now I know everyone gets into a bad mood once in awhile and you really can't change that on the fly, but it's important to try to keep a smile around when you can.
I work with several managers right now that all are generally happy people. It makes me feel good to interact with them because they don't typically have negative things to say.
When you're around people that are negative all the time. of course it's going to make you feel negative too.
However, if you are exhibiting a positive energy then other people are going to vibe up with that energy and they will respond positively.
This is what happens with my current stream of managers.
Sure, we have to talk about work type stuff.... but I'd also like to talk about whatever animals you have. I'd like to talk about what movie you are going to be seeing.
I'd like to talk about positive things that are happening in your life. We don't always have to focus on the negative. If we do that then we'll never be able to escape from the hole that it creates.
The truth is whether or not you go around being negative or positive you're still going to have to have your day.
That day goes into the next day, which will go into the next day, which will go into the next day. When you look back you do want to say....
"Why was I in a negative mood all the time?" or would you rather say "Hey, I did my best to be happy even though things might not have gone the way I really wanted them to?"
We only live once.
We might as well be happy.
Good advice. I'm usually a happy person. It's a waste of life being unhappy all the time. Life is short and it's better to be happy and positive.
Yep. I might complain once in awhile but I'm generally a happy person. Especially when I'm around other people because I know that my actions and behaviors can affect them as well. Of course I also sort of get paid in my restaurant gig to put on a good front. Then again it's not really a front because if I'm not happy when I'm there that is not a good thing.
We have to be positive to get anything in our life
That's true.
The smiling face is the choice of everyone.
True enough.
we should always smile, under any circumstances, good post @jeezzle
Well maybe not any circumstance but definitely when you're working.
Yes. Happiness is a choice and we shouldn't always focus on the few black dots on our white piece of paper.
Hi, friend! I hope you"ll be having a great time and enjoying the best of your health and spirit!!! Good morning! What a wonderful and inspiring post!! I admire such thinking and I say that hardships are a part of life so we should accept them, look over our faults and take fruitful lesson from them.....Let bygones be bygones! Be happy and do not express your feelings in front of everyone. Very interesting post! Keep inspiring the readers and be happy!!!
So right!
I probably have a few years on you and what I call this is 'pick your battles carefully'. There will be enough bad mood days we can't control so for sure don't go messing up a good day with trivial, bad mood days. Shake it off!