Hi everyone! Just a week left now until the two months of GCSE exams begins!
I've been making exam notes into an A3 pad of paper for easier reading, using an A7 notepad to make last minute revision cards before exams, and practicing past papers!
Here are some of the revision notes from the A3 pad,
I did find that with the biology I could not fit it all onto the page, which was sad but it'll have to be double sided!
I've also started to write up my spanish revision starting with the tenses,

For my Physics notes
I have been writing the triangles out and writing small notes on each unit, whilst going through worksheets and past papers!

My posts will have irregular posting times because of revision but I hope to post more often !
If anyone's doing their exams;
Good luck!!!
(Also sorry about all of the pictures' blurriness) talking to my mom @cryptocariad in Spanish way more often and practicing questions that could come up in the exam.