The Writing "Rhythm"

Steemit has been a phenomenon. It has been spread out widely. It has reached millions people across the globe. We write and we are appreciated, has affected people to be part of Steemit. As a result, people start to love writing to share anything under the value of positive information. I guess billion writing pieces have been shared and read by billion people fro big cities to remote villages. However, the fluctuation of cryptocurrencies has impacts on the rhythm and spirit of people in writing. It is not questioned that the decreasing of cryptocurrencies value has influenced the writing contribution of people. Fairly speaking, man people are attracted by having earning from their participation on Steemit but thousand people are remained constantly contribute to steemit. It is a fact, I believe.

To maintain the rhythm is very hard. To keep consistent is a struggle. It is not easy to dump ideas on steemit everyday. Because people are busy. It needs rhythm. I have tried to promote steemit for my students [about 55] but it seems that I am not able to influence them yet. It require further effort to convince them. It should be an ideal approach to introduce them of how to keep the rhythm is remained stable. It is almost similar to maintaining life stability.

Rhythm is about consistency. It requires energy. I found that it is very difficult to keep the stability of our daily energy in any ways, including in writing. I assume that to explore and share ideas are not easy. It is a regular work which requires knowledge and spirit. To produce a piece of writing in a day for most people is difficult. Therefore, managing the rhythm is crucial. We may be consistent to keep writing an essay per day, but we may also put in days for one.

People may have various ways and strategies to pursue the continual writing attitude. As found, my students are quite hard to energize their spirit to establish a regularity in writing. Managing the opportunities is extremely hard. Time flexibility is not easy to negotiate. Therefore, having a short piece of writing [essay] is super rare. I have suggested students to well managed their time [empty slots] to prioritize the writing, however it is quite hard [or almost impossible]. The struggle is an issue here. Seem that writing is not a big deal. So, students need to perceive that writing is very important. They have to regularly put a priority writing whether daily, weekly or monthly.

"Build your writing as your culture" and you will do it".


(a lecturer and researcher)@khairilrazali