Alooha steemians!
It was a great job for me today because I was able to make our first day in our Career Guidance Activity where I am the speaker of my advisory class...
Career Guidance Activity is a 2-day morning activity where we let the future completers know who they really are. Knowing who they are will help them determine their likes and interests so that they will have a wise decision on choosing what track to enroll in the next school year. Our task as speaker in the class is not really easy because we need to make our own powerpoint, download music to use for the activity and search activities and lessons to be discussed. It is so tiring but after the 1st day, it was all worth it. It was worth it seeing my students enjoying and sharing their ideas with a big smile

We started the activity with a prayer leaded by our Vice Pres Ms Chrise Costelo.

Followed by the Philippine National Anthem, Ms Richelle Dela Pena the Class Pres conducting

Before I formally start the activity, I let them do the zumba first in the tune of Dahil Sayo to energize their mind and body to participate the whole morning activity.

Making of Self-Portrait Bag
Our first activity is to make a self-portrait bag. In this activity, I let the class make their own style bag where the outside portion should have pictures that will describe their likes and interest like what career they wanted to be in the future. After doing it creatively, they need to find an object that will best describe their personality.

Sharing Of Thoughts
Afterwards, I call them one by one to share what they had made.
I let them do it to boost everyone’s confidence to explain and conquer their fear to stand and talk in front. Aside from that, I let them do this so that I will be able to recognize their talents, skills and interest so that I can give an advice on what to take in their senior high school years...

Another student of mine who share her thoughts

Dream Collage Making
After processing the first activity, we then proceeded to the next activity which is Making Of a Dream Collage... And it was actively participated by them.

Their Outputs

Singing of the Song Entitled We Can Be Anything
It was such a powerful song where we are encourage to do whatever things we want and should dream big because we can be anything despite of our lapses. We should make everything possible to happen and it should be combined with determination, perseverance and a prayer.

They are really enjoying singing the song.
I end the activity with a journal writing. I provided questions for them to guided what to write on their journal.
Indeed, it was really an informative day for me... They didnt just learn from me, I also learn a lot from their insights...
That would be all steemians... Have a great day!
lovingly yours,
thank you sir
weilcome dear
sipag nag mga students ah ^_^
uu nga eh, they are really motivated