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RE: Sci-Fi, beloved childhood cartoon characters, and ancient Chinese philosophy... Now we're having some fun!

"Empire Strikes Back"... It's what Star Wars is all about (or Taoism ? :-) ) - As a fan of "the one and the only Star Wars movie, Empire Strikes Back" I already knew that Yoda's teachings were as deep as Eckhart Tolle's, but I was completely unaware that the force was also strong with Winnie the Pooh :))


I can tell you as a Taoist and Star Wars fan (especially Yoda) that George Lucas got the idea of the "Force" from Taoism, that is why it is easy to identify Taoist Philosophy in Star Wars i.e. the Jedi and the Force.

I wish George Lucas didn't mess it up, it's a very "sad" story, actually. I still can't believe the things they did with the prequel trilogy other than some fine moments in "Return Of The Sith" (but only "some"). It's so sad that such beautiful themes like "The Jedi", "The Force" wasted blatantly with simply idiotic writing (Non-Sense dialogues, lack of character development, no story at all) - It was also horrible to see a movie like "The Force Awakens" (does Force ever "sleep"?), a blatant copy of "A New Hope" in every single way. A Star Wars movie should have the "Mysticism" that "The Lord Of The Rings" movie series had once with Mr. Jackson... "Rogue One" had that soul and for the same reason it's my favorite with "Empire Strikes Back". Anyway, there is one thing for sure..: Lucas lacks Tao! :)

All the new movies are not directed by George Lucas. When he sold Lucasfilm to Disney who has ruined everything in the Star Wars universe, Lucas lost all saying to anything with Star Wars.

The Force Awaken as you said is just horrible because Lucas didn't create it.

Agree, but "being created by Lucas" also does not guarantee a "great experience" in the first place (i.e. Prequel series) - I think George Lucas' attitude towards the legend he created can be a great Movie (of course, a very sad one) :))

And also, when it comes to LightSaber fights, this is far better than what we see in official movies. Millions of dollars wasted. I don't remember a single LightSaber duel that I had "real" tension... You know, those are LightSabers after all, they touch, and they cut. But thanks to the Lucas' greed, for the sake of having more viewers in cinemas, LightSabers turned into an "innocent weapon" that kills like a pistol :) Sad.

For sure. I stress that with my students as well.