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RE: Found The Remains of A Meth Lab On My Property

That is so crazy!! I hope I never have to heed your warning,

If you're ever out in the woods and you see all of these things you may have found a meth lab.

And pretty poor ethics by your realtor not to disclose that information! I'm thinking that the Detective figured you must have known because he's probably not supposed to divulge that kind of information?

You were home, and pregnant, during the break-in?? How terrifying! It obviously turned out ok I'm guessing? but still!!

I wonder if there's a local hazardous clean-up company you can contact to clean it up for you? crazy...all of it!! There are so many towns throughout the country devastated by meth because it's a cheap but highly addictive substance; easy for nasty dealers to prey on vulnerable people with. So unbelievably sad!

Thanks for the post! I'm wishing isn't wasn't a necessary one :(


I hope you never have to worry either! I'm not sure why it wasn't disclosed to us. Yes, the situation turned out okay. Shock from the break-in put me in the hospital for 3 days because I was so stressed it caused the babies heartbeat to drop...She's fine and a healthy and 18 months old now. This area use to be so safe but drugs are horrible these days. It's sad to see.

But in all of the sh*%, there's a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations :)

It is a horrible thing to see and it always makes me wonder why?