Simon Says It's Friday!

It’s Friday and just like I am watching the clock waiting anxiously for home time and for the weekend to start, so to are my students. Our brains are fried and there is no chance that any droned-out theory is going to sink in. So, what do we do to pass the time, we play constructive games of course! On Fridays I like to keep my kids on the go, learning while they let some energy out, it makes the day go by so much faster!

What’s on today’s agenda you ask?

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A Twist On The Traditional Simon Says Game

Simon Says is one of those old-school games that most young children love. But in the traditional game, the kids who need the most practice with listening skills or identifying body parts are often the first ones to be eliminated. 

I prefer my games to teach while fun is being had, instead of allowing those who are already good at something to continuously out win those who need to be in the game for longer. This why I add just a little twist.

I ask my student to line up horizontally, facing me (if your classroom is too small you could do this outside). We continue with the game as is, but instead of someone simply being “out” when they do a prompt without the Simon Says bit, they take a step back. They contour to play the game along with us, and when they get the prompt right, they move a step forward and join the line again. While there are no real winners or losers at the end, the kids do enjoy the challenge of moving into the line again or feel a fun kind of silly when they need to take a step back. 

While I am all for healthy competition, this twist in the Simon Says game proves that you do not need to have a winner to have fun, or to stay intrigued with the game. 

The game Simon Says is a wonderful way to help kid learn how to focus as pay attention as well as work on listening skills. If you teach younger kids, you could use this game to help them learn body parts too. 

So that that’s our Friday folks! I think that because we are heading towards term-end we are all feeling slightly drained and anxiously awaiting the holidays, that’s why I have decided to keep things simple as we finish off our exams and prepare for our mid-year break!

With thanks from @mamameimei



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