in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)


The behavior of hyperactive children or children suffering from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) can be annoying and even irritating for some people. Living with hyperactive children can be really exhausting, often parents, teachers and close relatives often feel overwhelmed, tired and even desperate for not being able to find the best way to control or channel the excessive energy of these children.

Most parents who have hyperactive children tend to think that the best option is for their children to do numerous activities during the day in order to "burn" all the extra energy that they usually have, however, this does not work, it seems that the These guys' batteries never run out.

Another erroneous belief is to think that the factor causing this type of behavior is some type of food, such as sweets, chocolate or caffeinated foods, although eating some of these foods can increase the children's energy are not the real cause of hyperactivity, that is why eliminating them completely from your diet is not the best option.

Children with ADHD require more than a diet free of sweets and caffeine, severe punishments to mitigate their behavior or do dozens of daily activities to decrease their energy. To track or control the energy of children with ADHD is necessary to follow a series of steps that begin with the help of a professional who will choose what is the ideal treatment for the child according to their needs. However, the main help should be provided by their parents and close relatives.

Food for Hyperactive Children.

Taking care of what our children eat is fundamental for their wellbeing and physical and mental development and when it comes to special conditions the supervision of a professional is necessary, however, there are simple steps that we can follow to contribute to the improvement of children's behavior with ADHD through a healthy and balanced diet.

Recommended Foods:

Foods rich in tryptophan (natural antidepressant). It favors the production of serotonin (The lack of serotonin is related to symptoms of depression, anxiety, anguish and sadness). Some of the foods that contain tryptophan are turkey, chicken, milk, cheese, fish, eggs, soy, sesame and pumpkin seeds, nuts, peanuts and peanut butter. In order for the body to synthesize serotonin, it is necessary to consume omega 3, magnesium and zinc. Therefore, foods rich in magnesium such as bananas, legumes, vegetables and wheat germ are also considered natural antidepressants and can therefore promote the mood of children with ADHD.

Foods That Should Be Avoided:

There are foods that can raise energy levels and although in some cases they can be very useful, hyperactive children definitely do not need them, the consumption of these foods must be diminished and some eliminated completely from the child's diet, this is not a total cure for hyperactivity but will contribute to the improvement of the characteristic symptoms of this condition.

It is necessary to avoid or reduce sugary and caffeinated beverages such as cola soda, milkshakes, iced tea, chocolate-based drinks, juices with high sugar content and others, while foods that have a high content of additives chemicals, dyes and preservatives such as sweets, snaks, artificial flavored drinks, must be omitted in full.

A healthy diet with a low content of processed foods is ideal for children suffering from ADHD and although it does not eliminate the symptoms it visibly contributes to its reduction and control.

Daily Activities for Hyperactive Children.

It is normal for parents of hyperactive children to consider the ideal to drain or channel the energy of their children is to perform multiple activities, sports, music, dance, art and more, and all in one day, as this will drain your energy and when they get home they will be tired enough to be active, but in reality the activities carried out by children with ADHD should not focus on exhausting their vigor but on strengthening their capacities and developing their mind, reinforcing the positive attitudes and actions of children with ADHD can be really effective to improve your behavior.

Teaching hyperactive children what are the positive behaviors and what the negative ones require of patience and special techniques according to the personality of each child and their relationship with the person trying to train them, whether it is a father, mother, brother or other relative.

The most recommended games and activities to do at home are:

• Coloring drawings
• Assemble puzzles
• Memory games
• Find the differences between two partially equal images
• Labyrinths
• Origami
• Legos

This type of activities helps in the development of their cognitive abilities while strengthening their confidence and mental agility.

Physical Activities for Hyperactive Children.

Physical activity has great relevance in the treatment of hyperactive children. Sports, martial arts and other extracurricular activities that include body movement can be a great help for children to release energy while maintaining a healthy body. Activities such as yoga, judo, karate or kung fu, can be ideal since they have the discipline as the main base, which can positively influence the child's attitude fostering self-control, raising their self-esteem, and channeling negative emotions such as aggression, fear and more ... This type of activities directly contribute to the development of interpersonal relationships because the children agree with other children outside the school environment, which may be more comfortable for them.

School Activities for Hyperactive Children.

Although ADHD does not imply a total lack of attention or inability to concentrate, capturing the interest of children with this condition can be a truly complex process. These children may pay attention or be interested in the different topics discussed in classes, however, they often lose motivation quickly, feeling bored or fatigued and diverting their attention.

To capture and maintain the interest of students and correct or counteract the lack of motivation and lack of attention of children with ADHD is necessary to use some special strategies which must be previously designed by the teacher based on the needs of their students and especially in the of hyperactive students.

Among the strategies that yield the best results are:

• Use visual support during explanations.
• Locate students with ADHD as close to the teacher as possible.
• Control the distracting elements that may be in the classroom.
• Address the student calmly and patiently explain their faults or mistakes.
• Praise their achievements and note their progress in classes.
• Plan dynamic classes and group activities.

References :


Greetings Dear Readers. Until Next Time.


Great post. I specially loved, that you pointed out the meaning of food which I think is strongly undervalued in most discussions.

Certainly. Some parents think that their children are hyperactive by eating chocolate or taking Cocacola but the truth is that ADHD is a serious condition that requires special attention and goes beyond a diet free of sweet and caffeine.