It can not be said before when it will take place. Therefore, we need to take precautions in order to avoid accidental accidents. The fire accident is becoming a horror in our country. Every year due to fire, huge amount of money is lost in our country, as well as the precious soul is falling. So, to prevent the fire, we have to know the issues.
Below are some necessary warnings:
Gas is used for cooking purposes. A gas explosion can lead to serious accidents. Therefore, we must take special precautions and awareness. Such as:
After cooking, completely remove the oven.
Wet clothes can not be allowed to dry on the oven. It can cause accidents in clothes in the fire.
At least 15 minutes before the burning of the gas stove, all the windows of the kitchen should be opened and the ventilation must be arranged.
Before switching on a gas key, the match stick must be drawn.
If the gas oven hosepit is broken or damaged, then it has to be changed.
Accidents may occur due to fire in electrical lines in the house. So be careful about this.The electrical lines of the house will be tested regularly after every six months. If the crayonline is available then it will be faster. It will be possible to prevent accidents.
Do not go straight to the electrical material with a physical connection
Must look at the damaged or underdeveloped electrical equipment or equipment to refrain from using it.Avoid using open lamps.
Besides, there should be more precautions in the case of lodging and industrial establishments,
Avoid smoking. Or if you smoke, then the remaining portion will be taken to a safe place.
Do not use chemicals and combustible materials with inexperienced people. Fire spark resistant switches and plugs have to be used.
Easy to reduce the house building by combustible materials.
There will be adequate water or sand arrangement to the workplace. Regular fire extinguishing drills will take part in the exercise.
The primary training for fire extinguishing and prevention is to be accepted.
The advice of the Fire Nirvana Volunteer Force will be accepted.
There will always be a bucket of water and a bucket sand in the house or institution. They help in reducing the fire.
According to the fire risk, the required number of fire extinguishers should be stored.
Training about the application and use of fire extinguishing equipment.
All the places of organization and home should be kept free of rubbish.
The need for unnecessary documents or papers will be burned.
Remember it
If there is a fire, it is necessary to take immediate measures. But the best way to escape from the fire is to prevent preventive measures and awareness of possible fire. What is the reason for the fire that is known as the fire, the nature of the fire, the nature, the creatures and the cataclysm, and the fire can be brought under control in a very early stage before reaching an aggressive state, at least for everyone, it is necessary to have the obligation to know. And it should not be forgotten that you, as you are aware of yourself, can become victims of unfortunate loss due to the unaware of the person next to you. So it is not done when you are aware of yourself, making others aware of what your dual responsibility is.
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Awesome post ...
Keep posting...bro...
I learn your post☺☺
There is a product called No-Burn that prevents christmas trees, curtains, and furniture from burning down. I think it can be found on Amazon and not sure if it is still there.
With the holiday season upon us, it is a cool product that can save lives.
I don't know about this type product.thank you for alart.
nice post.
It's necessary to learn how to take precatuions to stop these accidents
wow nice post