Great post. It's always hard to go back and remember what it was like, learning all the ins and outs.
I got good news, and I got bad news.
The good news is; I've heard that hardfork 20 will allow us to go back and edit older posts. It'll likely have a high bandwidth cost, so you won't be able to do it hundreds of times a day, but if you want to go back and fix up a few spelling/grammar mistakes, I believe that'll be an option soon. I don't think it'll allow you to change URL or first tag though, it'll just extend the edit window indefinitely.
The bad news is; Everything you post is saved forever. Editing means somebody would have to go digging a little to see what you originally posted, but it's there. It'll always be there. The front ends/websites will show the most recent version, but the blockchain itself will always have all of the information you put in.
Change a sentence each day for 7 days, and the blockchain will have all 7 versions in it forever.
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Great addition to the conversation. It is important to realize that even when we can delete we may not be doing a hard delete/permanent erase.
Removing access from the interface is not the same as removing from the blockchain. Always remember, once on the blockchain always on the blockchain!
I didn't know this was planned, but I'm happy to hear it will come with a BW cost as I suspect fellow witnesses are grumbling at the thought of the potential extra load this feature will carry!
I got the impression it'll roll out with the transition to Resource Credits.