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RE: The Autism (Awareness Month) Spectrum

I remember a neighbour of ours and his younger brother who was taking care of him. They were 48 and 45 from what I remember when we first got to know them (I knew they were not 50)
The younger brother started working for us as an accountant and his older brother couldn't be left alone so he always tagged alone in the office

At first he only stayed with his brother and did not talk to anyone. They have been alone for quite sometime already so he was not accustomed to socializing.

He reacted when someone would go near his personal space and so for any paperwork we had to leave it to a table and his brother would get it there.
This went on for months and it was ok and we got over it.
Then one day he started becoming comfortable with us. We did not intrude we let him be and he eventually warmed up and he is now considered family.
I sometimes don't see him for years but when I do it is like we never were apart. His brother said I am but one of the few people he remembers.
Others he does not like or remember. He calls me "Kuya" or older brother even though I am half his age hahha.

My friend has a child that has ASD goes to school and is of the higher end of the spectrum but he has some days that he doesn't want to see people and often exhibit hyper concentration. I remember one time he was so into American football. He asked for books and watched shows until he could recite all teh plays and rules.
Both as you said we're of different spectrums and all we need is to understand and support them.

I am not sure why anyone would be against an awareness month about it.
It is only when we provide awareness that we bring understanding and compassion.


Great examples. Even better is that you took the time to connect with each of these individuals!