The fact of understanding and conservation can get them a lot of skills, and as a person learns. This can be done faster and less effort, conservation and understanding skills can also be developed and implemented more effectively and faster, but the difference is that the two skills require time and effort to develop, change does not happen easily overnight.
Many of us thinks that the rate and speed of conservation and understanding has not changed. How to develop a level of conservation and understanding there are daily exercises that you can do even increase the effectiveness and speed of the conservation process and understand you have;
A long term workout can take your time thirty minutes each day for several months to start by observing the results that can received, and this exercise:
Usually save and retrieve daily: if the reservation phone number stored on your phone and remember every time asking for a number, it will make you slow down at first, but you will get used to it and start storing numbers and faster retrieval, because you can store and retrieve different things, such as: have a long password from your social networking account, and you have reversed daily, multiple times and logged in without saving it on a computer or smart phone, and other conservation and restoration activities .
Try new things and activities every day: As the brain is the usual thing without attention, so people by mistake and think of other things and his brain works on the way (auto pilot), and for example, to walk or drive a car on the road pass the familiar always do not remember how you arrived, you've been on the road all the time, but if you're on a new road, you'll be very attentive to the road, other cars, etc.
Your brain will be motivated rather than autopilot, so try a new path and sit in different Places and experience different activities every day, though it stimulates the brain to understand and absorb new things every day instead of making things routine.
- Write with your other hand and flex your left and right brain. You can do this by writing with your left hand if you believe or write with your right hand if you are good, because the right brain cleans the left side of the body while the left part of the brain controls the right body, you force the brain to use the left and right sides and help develop it.
All you have to do is sit down and write anything with the other hand for ten minutes. Play some games:
There are many games on the Internet and on your smart phone, such as mind games that you can download for free and play every day, they build relationship and analytical skills and conclusions, and some of them provide games to strengthen memory and observation power.
I just want to start meditating 😊